Poorly Telegraphed High Damage Abilities


With my low level experience I can’t say that I have any problems with recognizing damage and its source. But there IS a problem with an ability to REACT on it. This became especially noticeable when I started to play with pure range damage dealer. Yeah, glass cannon, but still.

On my opinion main problems are …

  • enemies often have their attack range equal to screen size or even exceed it!
  • enemies attack from their maximum range, which means (with previous statement) that they ABLE to attack before I even detect them!
  • and yes: unavoidable damage. There’s a lot of it. A LOT.

Just watch my example: Sentinel, pure hammer thrower. No pets to cover, no leech to recover. Maximized range. Yet still I’m unable to use this advantage. Most projectiles are homing. When I’m detected they fly just from everywhere. And look at Void Pillars - 50% chance to see their void blobs flying from outside the screen.

I think we need to limit our range and enemies’ range to something less than a screen. At least.


So the biggest enemy issues I notice. Soul cages, and immortal eyes. immortal eyes are the worst though, they launch 100 necrotic homing bombs at you from miles away, this has been a very frustrating problem on a lot of builds I play with, please Nerf those fuckers


2 posts were split to a new topic: Enemy abilities which significantly affect framerates

90% of the times I die in Arena it’s because I get literally 1-shot from full HP by a Soul Spear from a Hoplite that’s outside of my screen, especially hard to react when its coming from below as the screen is shorter below and above and the hotbar takes up space as well.

Maybe reduce cast range to at least the most powerful mob abilities in the game?

I’m pretty sure that when you’re standing on “high ground” some of the spells visually travel under the map making them invisible, like the outer rim of the arena where there is an uphill ring around the entire map (hard to put into words with my english abilities sorry). I’m still relatively new so I haven’t noticed which spells yet, but I’m pretty sure I take hits when there is visually nothing on the screen traveling towards me, a hotfix would be to make the Arena flatter at least as it is the most important area in the entire game it should also be the least buggy imo. Most ranged player abilities also interact weirdly with terrain and the Arena should be predictable.

There’s also a spell I think should be removed from low levels at least, or make it shorter ranged so you can kite it easier. I can’t remember the name exactly but it is a black and red beam a mob locks onto you (under the mobs name it says “retaliates with xxxx”) which is almost impossible not to die to when doing certain builds, if a tanky mob starts casting this on you there’s 0% chance you’re gonna kill it before it kills you, even if you start with full HP, full Mana and full on pots. Even tho I love this game to death I do firmly believe that ARPGs should be more skill based (i.e you should be able to dodge pretty much all ranged damage), this is like a gear-check ability that belongs in a MMORPG or something. Same kinda goes for the affix some mobs has “regenerates life” (the “regenerates life after not being hit for a while” affix is fine). Gear-check abilities do not belong in an ARPG (just my opinion :slight_smile: )

TL;DR: Make Arena more predictable and bug-free (should be #1 priority in the entire creation of the game as it is 90% of the game in the long run), and remove gear-check abilities to make Arena and Hardcore mode more enjoyable.

Sorry if my reply is semi off-topic and poorly informed as I’m a bit new but I do firmly believe the Arena and its game-play is the most important long-run aspect of this game and thank you if you read it =)



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On the last monolith run I did the Monument of Ruin’s highly telegraphed smash attack FOLLOWED ME…as in auto targeted me and changed directions to track me. The mods were haste and frenzy on the monolith. Which don’t cause this as far as I know. As I dodged back in random directions i was hit 4 times killing me…pretty ridiculous.

Don’t stand far away. Circle at semi close range. You will barely be hit:)

Warpath Forge Guard
Wave 109
1162 hp
100% Glancing Blow Chance

Maybe that big guy did have enough damage to one-shot me,
but the death screen says “slain by a Devouring Void from a Void Maggot”
So I’m not sure if this is something poorly telegraphed or just a misleading coincidence.

Last damage I can see is 147 from the guy’s slap and then 1068 out of nowhere.
The maggot thing was waving rather inconspicuously.

remade the highlight, because previous one had problems (unvoluntary skipping to the end)


The lil ones exploded as it seems. At least thats the only thing I see there ^^.

I’ve analyzed the recorded video frame by frame. It was a single big red damage number (1068) that killed me from a nearly-full health. Lil maggots should have popped a bunch of small numbers, afaiu.

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Maybe they add dmg from the same ressources up? Or the explosion of the lil ones debuffed you somehow so you get killed by the troll? I have realy no idea, all I saw after rewatching it several times was you get killed after the lil ones exploded.

I’m very new to the game, not sure if 19% lightning resistance was too low, but early game wasn’t easy to stack resistances.

Hardcore masochist. 19% lightning resistance.
Got one-shot from The Husk, can’t avoid it fast enough.

Edit: It was 38% (163) lightning protection, as the Fire shield is still up before my char dies.

Hehe yea, 19% lightning resistance is already not a whole lot, but if you’re also playing on HC Masochist, then you take more damage on top of that.

What’s the mod value? how much damage multiplier for taken and deal?


The issue with lighting and other elemental damage is not the damage itself which is mitigable but the awareness of shock and shock stacks especially in Monolith of Fate with 300%/500% shock chance on enemies. Take in mind that 5 stacks of shock is -500 to all elemental resistance and it seems its very easy to get in a situation with 6+ stacks which is -600 elemental resistance. Since it not only drops you in most cases to 0 resistance but it also drops you in the negative spectrum which means you receive extra damage.

Lets say you have 163 lighting resistance 38% damage mitigation. It only takes 2 stacks of shock to drop you below 0 and receive extra damage(something like 6-16% extra damage taken). If you get unlucky and get 3 stacks it would be -300 resistance which means it will be like -137 lighting resistance(around 30% extra damage taken).

Level 80 Sorcerer

Primalist, Level 63 580 HP, 30% poison and void, 60% elemental and armour resists, 50% dodge, 30% glancing blow, 40% block, high HP regen

Dark fissure: (15 wave monolith) Looks exactly like a downed companion, so I go to stand near it. I’m watching the bar/circle thing on its animation. There is no indication that it is chunking my health down, so I die.
This is after I experimented with these things in a level 40 Arena, where they didn’t even scratch me as I tried to figure out what they are.

So to fix this:

  • Update the wiki page so that they are not listed as removed from the game.
  • Change the animation so that it is not exactly like the pet revive indicator.
  • Give a clearer indication that the thing is doing damage to you
  • Maybe reduce the buff these things get from the monolith a little, so they don’t go from safe to one shotty so fast.

I hope someone still reads this topic. I want to report Matriarch using Leap Jump Earthquake Lightning Damage skill off screen in Monolith/Arena.

The agro range of those seems to be to far at least for my taste. They have ben nerfed thou is it still terrible to fight them?

Maybe they nerfed damage I dont know but since I upgraded my items to 100% Glancing Blows I could survive that hit and fight him. My problem is that he teleports/leaps on top of me off screen and often super fast if you have “wrong” mods in Monolith which brings me to next point that he shows up way to early in Arena/Monolith so you are basically screwed as new player if you dont upgrade GB to 100%. Didnt even know what that is until I did my research.