Steam Key and Account Linking

tried clearing browser cache, but still getting blank My Steam Key page

Redirect to LastEpoch after hitting “sign in” on Steam.

They forgot to add the “Redeem my Steam Key” button.

Now it says my account is no longer authorized to access the beta… trying to link to steam on the webpage just redirects to

Same issue, sends me to the main website page.

Same,blank page here too.

Mine says the same too

I click link to link my accounts, i log in, then just logs me in and does nothing. i go into my settings, cant find anything related to my steam key.

patch is downloading just fine though

Yeah at around an average speed of 100 kb/s haha. That’s why I want to link steam so I can download at proper speeds and actually play today.

Steam or Launcher?

Still also comes up as black for me on the stream key page.

Blank Steam Key page. Just play the standalone?

Why wasn’t this all done a day or 2 before the release on steam?

I wondered the same thing. Now all of us KS/Alpha supporters can’t play

Also same issue. when going to steam link page, i’m already signed in but it asks to sign in. On steam key page it’s just blank in the middle

Can’t play standalone if the launcher takes 3 days to download on my here 1gb download speeds.

same here sadly

edit: fixed, should have worked with the first hotfix

Tried to link to Steam - just shows blank under My Steam Key. Now I don’t have access to download the standalone client from your website…

stuck at blank “my key” page, is this only for people who purchased through website or are kickstarter backers able to get as well?