Steam Key and Account Linking

Not working … again …

Still same issue. No button to redeem a key.

Same here, after pushing the button on the steam page i get referred to the home page

Same thing is happening. Blank space where my steam key should be :confused:

Same for me.

Behavior still unchanged after logging out and back in and clearing cookies and cache.

When I visit the link to directly from the instructions page, I am taken straight to a Steam login page, then redirected back to the main page without linking my account.

If I manually type in the URL, as suggested by Man_of_Meat, it instead takes me to a login page (even though I’m already logged in):

However, I can’t do anything with this - clicking the Log In button just refreshes the page.


Same when I try to link my steam account. I got redirected to the main page, then I chekc for steam key and it says I should link my steam account, which I already tried

Getting this erro messagen when trying to link accounts. Purchased the game through steam.

Exception Error Message: No OpenID Server found at

Any fixes?

Been trying in several browsers, in IE i get the line “Exception Error Message: No OpenID Server found at” in the top left, maybe that is an error with my IE and steam or a general one

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Same thing here as @A_S00 is getting.
One time I got the No OpenID Server found at error as well.

I get this
Exception Error Message: No OpenID Server found at

Getting the same issue everybody else is.

got the same error as everybody.

Yeah, no joy here either, it just gives me a blank space instead of a key.

I am getting this error now instead of being redirected to

“Exception Error Message: No OpenID Server found at

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I’m getting the same message as Oddfin

Oh nvm, now it is back to redirecting me to the last epoch home page after clicking sign in to link steam.

Same, page is still blank.

same here, laso blank for me…

same here!