Resistance Changes Feedback Thread

All the others, require you using them all.
Ward does not. It’s a HUGE imbalance.

Ward should be an alternative to HP.

In PoE for example, “Physical damage reductions and elemental resistances applies to damage”.

Requiring resists and defense in addition with your ward, would bring a lot more balance to the system.

Have you actually played ward in 0.7.10? To me it sounds like you have not considering people cap resistances for extra mitigation even with ward.

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They really don’t you can just stack armor and health and be fine. Or dodge and health etcetera. Alway cap res ofc

I’m playing ward, and I’ve face tanked every MoF boss so far, coming up on Void Rahyeh. There’s nothing I have to avoid.
Abomination, God Hunter Argentus, and every other mini boss, cannot deplete my 3k+ ward. And I’m only 67. I’ll have a ton more ward in the end

3k ward is not a lot at all what needs to be addressed is the difficulty of monoliths


Oh please. Dodge is what, 40% cap? You cannot main defense a dodge stat in any arpg, due to one shot mechanics. It’s a supplement for other stats.
To use your examples:
Armor, health, resists, glancing, and crit avoidance
Dodge, health, resists, glancing, and crit avoidance

The point of it being a lot or not, is not the point. The point is, is that ALL I NEED TO FACETANK CONTENT, is ONE defense stat. lmao

Dodge is 80% cap and you can reach 75%… 3k ward is not a lot when you can build 3k health pool. You are claiming that ward is overpowered when you are doing content that is very easy.

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You can’t gear for glancing anymore. You can get crit reduction instead of crit avoidance. You can get ward instead of armor and dodge. You can stack armor. And you can get more dodge than 40%

The point is, all you need is one stat, compared to 5

It’s still a defense stat in the game, so it counts

I am not an elitist. Haha I have just been playing this system of over a month and know how it works.

How is it being elitist? When the truth is ward is not overpowered in its current state? Where health is superior when it comes to the arena (The hardest content in the game). You are entitled to your own opinion but that doesn’t mean you are correct and every community tester is an elitist just because they disagree with you.

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I’m not saying that because I disagree with you. It’s ok to have a different point of view. I’m saying it because you’re missing the point.

Oh, I understand your point but isn’t the issue here that early content is so easy that you don’t have to play around mechanics? This btw wasn’t the case when monolith was released and it got nerfed and the new system made it even easier. It’s not just ward builds that face roll the content while face tanking every hit.

I think your guys argument just boils down to the monolith just being too easy. Leydun has experienced it using a ward build and the community testers have experienced it with other defense systems like health. If both defense styles can easily clear monolith, then we need to go to the next difficulty in content to see what is stronger and right now that is arena.


I agree with not balancing around endless systems, doing that in combination with solo, group play, pvp and different endgame systems would just be nuts. I never expected they would do that.


Heh heh… reading your posts is like “Whoa, hold up… what was that again?”

How do you guys feel about the “geartax” part of capping res?
After getting a new character to early endgame i’ve got the impression, that it’s a little hefty. It’s by no means “hard”, it just takes up a lot of slots on your gear:
With t5s you will need twelve affixes to cap res, with t4s fifteen. You can’t get resistances on your weapon at all, and you can’t get the set prefixes on the chest. That means, that you are operating with thirtytwo (2hand) or thirtysix (catalyst/shield) affixslots total, maybe even less, in case you want to use any unique. And on most builds you will spend another three or four affixes on critavoidance. That means that almost half of your affixes are predetermined, wich leaves little room for creativity.
Maybe it would be possible to make the t4/t5 maximum rolls a tiny bit bigger, so that you can cap a set with three perfectly rolled t5s or with two t5s 2 t4s? (Meow). (Edit says i just realised, that 3xt5 + 1x t4 is currently the minimum requirement, because you don’t need 80 res, but 75. Me and math… :upside_down_face:)

Other than that i still like the new system. Incoming damage felt less spiky to me than in the last patch. I’m curious to see how it will turn out in lvl 100 zones, when mobs have their maximum penetration strength.

(PS: Since you can’t get resistances on weapons, the suffixes on casterweapons are a little underwhelming now. A bit of chillchance, blind or manaregen is not enough incentive to enter the “danger zone” of crafting - damaging fracture - , once you have obtained your two t5 prefixes of choice.)

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This is why I like getting these in passives and skills to free up some of the gear tax. Also you can get more thing on weapon like frialty.on hit and armor shred. (I wish you could get resistance shred)