Graphic Glitch

getting a graphic glitch sometimes where the screen goes all crazy colours? it is happening on my pc game and my partners game,

any help would be great.


Hello Team,

I got the same bug using Hungering Souls in zones like The Precipice or Old Barracks.

Reproduction steps :

The bug seems quite random, i played a bit after experiencing it and it did not occur after that. I went back to town after experiencing it so maybe, it corrected something by doing that.

Log files : (14.6 KB)
le_graphicsmanager.ini (496 Bytes)
Player.log (133.0 KB)
Player-prev.log (28.6 KB)

Hope it helps !


Yeah it went away for a little bit, but then it came back even worse when I hit up the shattered woods, hopefully this hotfix works

Getting the same thing here, can’t use hungering souls at all without filling the screen up with flickering green lines, completely unplayable.

I am using that ability too, I wonder what the issue is, might need to start a new character? I dunno

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