Constant crashes

No problem, I hope you stay crash-free and thanks to @BlueFlame for the idea, to begin with.

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Apologies for not replying sooner! I’m not used to checking forums lol. I edited my original post with instructions on how to properly do this. I’m glad Poweruo helped you and you got it working!

No worries at all, ty to you both! Game play has been stable thus far, really enjoying my melee lich!

When I downloaded whole folder from GitHub link, I cant find these 2 files with .dll

Anyway, still crashing alot, game is unplayable for me.

It’s located here:

However, whenever I try to use them the game crashes on launch. I’m still tinkering with it but haven’t had any luck.

Same problem for me. I put in the files, but the game won’t launch with them. Without I can play, but still crash.

I cant find the dll files and maybe im blind but I cant seem to find anything can you help or @BlueFlame maybe?

Are you sue you put the correct files? If you put the DX 10 or DX 9 file instead of the DX 11 that might be why it isn’t launching.
If that isn’t the issue then I don’t know…

EDIT: I updated my original post with installation instructions. Don’t use the build in installer and instead manually put the 2 files.

You can dump all the files inside the game folder with no issues. I did that due to laziness. The DX9/10 files will simply not be used as there are no calls to the DX 9/10 API as far as I know.

@ShadowWalker1081 come back if you can’t get it to work following BlueFlame’s instructions and I shall do my best to assist.

This is what i did following Poweruo and BlueFlame’s instructions, the game has run fine since.

  1. Download the dvxk-1.7.tar.gz (7.38MB Download a quarter way down the page) from this link Releases ¡ doitsujin/dxvk ¡ GitHub
  2. Extract the files to your desktop
  3. From the new folder dxvk-1.7>64 copy the dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll (i copied all of them and dropped them in the folder below). Make sure to check your Windows version and get the dll’s from the 32 or the 64 folder accordingly.
  4. Paste them in your game folder that contains the LastEpoch.exe. For me this is E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch
  5. Keep the folder open and launch the game from Steam, you’ll know it worked because the files Last Epoch_d3d11.log and Last Epoch_dxgi.log will appear.
  6. Enjoy the game.

Yeah, I’ve tried a good number of things to try to get this to work but it just crashes. BlueFlame and I had been going over it a bit as we have very similar PC’s. For me, it just crashes on launch.

I tried it, but unfortunatelly it doesnt work. So yeah, every few mins crash. :frowning:

I was having a weird issue with the download and was seeing a lot more editor files then I should. BlueFlame ended up just sending me the files I needed through discord

Hello Last Epoch Community :slight_smile:
I have the same problem with unity crashes… My system : ryzen 3700x, sapphire 5700 8Gb, 32Gb ram and a n.vm ssd.

Have you tried the Vulcan wrapper? If not, scroll above and see the instructions.

What you downloaded what the source code must likely and not the compiled release. Anyway glad you got it sorted and nice of @BlueFlame to help you out :slight_smile:

I had crashes as well after last patch.
I just tried the 2x .dll from Blueflame suggestion, and it worked so far (played 2 hours).

Thanks Blueflame.

spec: 3700X stock / 5700XT / 16 GB / win10

I haven’t crashed since adding the .dll’s yesterday. I usually crash once or twice per day.

Thx for the help guys but i dont play on steam :confused: Then where do I must to copy the folder?

Cope the 2 files to whatever folder the game is in.

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