BUG-Monolith Crash

I’ve had several crashes occur right when I open a new monolith. Screen freezes and as I move my mouse around it “teleports around”. Have only been experiencing this since the 0.7.10 patch

When this happens, could you upload your crash & log files?



You could also try getting Steam to verify the files.

Player.log (724.8 KB)

Sorry for the delay, haven’t had the error come up since this morning. Quickly skimming through the file, there are several lines which include “some graphical element” is missing!
Please let me know if you are unable to open the file.

I also had the files verified through steam as you suggested and still experienced the crash afterwards.

Sorry about the slow response!

If you encounter any further crashes, please do upload your log files again, and check if the end of the file mentions a location for crash reports so you can upload those as well. Your system information is also helpful.


Hey I had this twice today. The first time I didn’t think much of it but the second time I did a quick forum search. Here’s my log file.
i7-6700k (overclocked to 4.8ghz) although I have been running this stable for quite some time.
asus gtx 1060 strix OC edition (running in silent mode so not overclocked)
asus z170-a mobo
Player-prev.log (132.3 KB)
I’m fairly tech savy if you’d like anything further lemme know. I play hardcore so the crashes are slightly concerning would hate to lose a none-death hardcore over it :slight_smile:

Hey I figured out if I switch antialiasing from fxaa back to tsa it went away. I lose some fps (which is why I had it on fxaa) but it’s better than crashing.

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