Why is all the end game content roguelike now?

I took this note off the steam forums:

Originally posted by Windscr3wer:

The developers answered the topic on forums regarding the new monolith, and they are making the hotfix.

"We hear your frustration. The monolith system was definitely designed for starting it right after the campaign and we did not sufficiently account for players wanting to play with existing higher level characters. There is also understandable confusion from people assuming that the whole monolith is level 55 when in reality each timeline is a different level, and only the first one is level 55.

We’re considering the following changes for a hotfix to address this

Remove the experience penalty for being a higher level than the zone for all zones above level 53.
Make the quest echoes in the first timeline show up much earlier, so that players can more quickly progress to higher level timelines.
Reduce a source of unintuitively high damage in the first timeline’s boss fight so that players are less likely to die to that boss."

How bout the second boss?

Agreed. First boss never gave me a scare. I like the rest of that post though :smiley:

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The game updated after I died and logged out. I log back in and Chat is busted for me. I hadn’t been kicked from chat since 7.9.

funny you say that, i had my first dc just a bit ago too lol.

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Wave 26 on 80monolith, I get a Storm Forge that refuses to be cleansed(stopped spawning mobs). Full cleared the level to be sure, and it’s still inactive. Fun way to lose all my progress…

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