New Unique Hammer Throw Weapon Idea for Lightning Conversion

New Unique Weapon Idea for Hammer Throw

Storm Bringer ( Unique ) drops from Ending The Storm Monolith :slight_smile:

One Handed Axe
Base Attack Rate 1.05
40 Melee Damage
70-100% chance to Apply Bleed on hit

+1-3 to Hammer Throw
100% of Hammer Throw Damage Converted To Lightning
100-160% Lightning Penetration with Electrify
100% of Bleed Chance converted to Electrify Chance for Hammer Throw
Your Hammer Throw has a x% chance on hit to instantly deal x% of the damage done by your current Electrify Stacks on the target.

Side Notes:

  • Currently no way to convert Hammer Throw to Lightning. ( Besides extremely weak Idols which should be looked at as well ) I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to see a “Thor” like build.

  • Bleed Hammer Throw relies heavily upon Penance and Redemption. Therefore is pretty much a must to have the Bleed conversion and additional Lightning pen on the weapon.
    Without it, we’d be loosing 120% bleed chance and 50% pen and the 50% chance to be granted 50% damage just from passives alone not including Salt the Wound unique Gloves etc.

  • When doing a Damage over Time build with Hammer Throw the actual damage Hammer Throw does is irrelevant. Figured adding a unique effect that’s based off the damage over time aspect, not the actual damage from the Hammer itself.

Just an Idea, would love to see Hammer Throw get a Lightning Conversion option similar to how Javelin did + no unique Weapon for Hammer Throw and would be a good way to start :stuck_out_tongue:

Hard agree those idols need to have conversion badly, Shuriken idols have it anyway…

Sentinel Lightning is typically golden/yellow and most versions of Thor (Marvel, GoW,) use blue lightning so probably won’t still be exactly ‘Thor’.

IMHO, I’d rather see a unique for Lightning Hit/Crit Hammer throw(specifically boosting the Hammer’s damage) than just make it another electrify throwing skill proccing smite for more electrify since that niche is already covered by Javelin anyway.

I can agree when you say it’s already covered by Javelin, 75% of the idea is from the Unique.
Could definitely be something different entirely. Just would like to see the conversion to Hammer Throw is the main reason I made this post.

I figured since it was already implemented with Javelin it would make sense to people reading the idea, I’m fairly new, so didn’t want to come up with affixes etc that wouldn’t work at all.

I am aware that with a Damage over Time build the hammers damage is extremely poor.
So I agree with you when you say you’d want to see a unique boost the damage and have it become more viable on it’s own without an ailment.

However nothing wrong with having both aspects be covered. Just adds more build possibilities in the end.

The Idols made me laugh but I’ve read they were implemented a long time ago so, may or may not be getting a rework?