
I’m glad you liked that. I remember coming very close to removing that from the post too.


Yes i would like to see the bazzar come true to buy and sell items there and avoiding third site trading or any others black thing… And waiting a whole day for the trader answering you…(I exagerating a little but yeah it’s basically this,^^) long wait and lots of time we can’t have it .
I’d also like free trade between any players .

I don’t like how POE trade system rely on third site or software but i do like currency value there , exalt orb, chaos orb etc have all their own value and rarity and i already see from afar Last Epoch can have this sort of “currency” under the form of the crafting material , i like it.

Also i like how party items allocation work in POE and item drop are visible for all !
We can set to permanent allocation ( each players get this own allocated item if RNG love him) , short alloc ( items are set to you for a short amount of time and become free for all ) or the simple free for all , this last can sometime be funny as in our beloved Diablo 2 ^^.
I 'd like LEP ( last epoch) would have these loots systems.

Please don’t do the loot system like in D3 … I find it too much personal in party play.
So… about multiplayer , i like to play solo aswell as online when bored , i want both for the game.

That’s the honesty I miss from other devs. The statement didn’t hurt anybody but it’s simply nice to read without thinking 3 hours what the politicly correect blabla will mean for myself as a player. Well put facts are something I like pretty much even if the answer is a “Don’t know yet” or stuff like “We talk about it but it looks like it wont happen.”. It’s just a guideline you can work with rather the some open letter from x to y to excuse something that went south without one word on the topic because it’s better to dodge it then to answer it.


I’ve always liked the idea of playing solo to the best of my ability until i felt like i could maybe contribute some factor with other players (like playing a tank for instance) when i played other games i often made supporter builds. there are many things i have done in groups with said same people that none of us could have done without one another. wether it was a boss or just really dense mobs, each of us played key roles for one another and we found ourselves sinking alot of hour into the game without really worrying about if we we’re exactly gearing or not. I’d say keep in mind that multiplayer has to mean harder content otherwise what was the point of introducing it in the first place.

Any update on multiplayer? ETA on Co-op? I apologize if this is somewhere already but I didn’t see it. I convinced my friend to play this with me. He is my go to for Co-op ARPG games. We love Diablo, POE, Grimm Dawn, and really anything with a gear grind/ capability to be a MinMax god. So far we are absolutely loving your game and cannot wait to play it together. I hit level 29 tonight on my Void Knight. :smiley:

Welcome to Epoch traveler, I’m glad you’re enjoying your time here :smile:

I’m sorry to say that we don’t have any detailed info on when multiplayer will be available to beta players. It’s something that we work on every day and it’s our number one priority. If you check out our development forecast we are in Phase 2 right now and multiplayer is in Phase 3. I know that just brings up the question, “when is Phase 3?” and it’s the same answer, sorry, got nothing.

I can say that it is progressing. I know that means very little but it’s not just sitting at a road block or something so good news?

Edit: This thread got resurrected and I would just like to take a moment to point out that the initial post it is 8 months old.


Hi Last Epoch team, thanks for the update and consideration of players.

  • I’m excited about co-op play!
  • I never play PvP.
  • I hate POE party play, because it just ends up a stressful struggle to keep up with the fastest mover, and try to click really fast on loot.
  • I really like teamwork to take down bosses. I don’t mind at all if most of the game can be played solo, but there are some bosses that you simply cannot attempt without a party. Players can still make a choice.

I have an idea that the boss fights will have, for example, 5 tentacles. Each tentacle is killable for most character types, but much easier for a certain type (eg tentacle 1 is easy for tanks, tentacle 2 for minions, tentacle 3 just needs pure dps, tentacle 4 healing, tentacle 5 AOE damage)
The co-op play would get even spicier if there were strategic decisions to make, for example the tentacles move around or phase and you must decide if you are going to leave the one you are fighting and help a friend fight theirs.


Yea, that’s the sort of thing that would be an interesting multiplayer boss fight variant. Maybe the boss would have a tentacle that was easy for specific classes to deal with and it spawned one for each class in the fight and you had to find “your” tentacle to do it quicker. If you’re solo it might just spawn one for you though. That’s the style of mechanics that we are exploring. It’s still a work in progress for us and we welcome more ideas like these for sure.


I’ve heard you described such mechanics a few times now.

While I do think that’s cool. Please remember that most players opt for the easiest way to get their rewards and not necessarily via the most interesting way.

Again, my biggest concern would be that said mechanic is likely to favour soloing the boss vs doing it with a party. I’ll be looking forward to see how you incentivize the latter!

Wow, the OP is quite old :slight_smile: (I’m referring to the post - not making assumptions about the poster!)

Just to add another opinion on the pile - I am largely a solo player when it comes to ARPGs. I’m all in favor of people who want multiplayer having it, and of people who want PVP having that too. The only real request I have is to not gate/lock any content behind those systems. It doesn’t sound like anything like that is in the works, but this is a feedback thread, so… :wink:

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I can neither confirm nor den-

Oh, right. Phew! :sweat_smile:



I generally play Hack’n slash as solo (offline if possible) to mount my char during the main campaign and to test build.
I like to mount some with friend but I have no more friend that play this kind of game.

Next I love multi with 3 other random players to do boss run and end game.

I play multi to mount char that have difficult build to mount in solo or support build oriented multiplayer.

I don’t play season becaus now that I am a father, I don’t have much time to play.

Oh and I didn’t play PvP on this kind of game.

I just want them to keep their word of taking the single player mode offline, otherwise I don’t care too much! I’m an old lone wolf! but I find it exciting to have the multiplayer side …


Any update about multiplayer ?
I bought the game,; then I realised there is no multiplayer ! :’’((((((((
Can’t play it without it.

i do not see the point in adding a pvp arena to an arpg game where many factors are determined by gear and the skills themselves do not play out well with players in mind.
the only way pvp works in arpgs is to have set layouts for people to play with.

AS for multiplayer in general , i would like the options to play with randoms and make friends. That being said i want the content to scale up drastically as you have more players interacting with the fights. I would also want to not see other players skill effects or atleast an option to turn it off , so that the screen can remain relatively clean.

I enjoy that larger mobs take several hits and have a chance to damage you.

You CAN play it without it… You don’t WANT to… let 's be honest.

I too bought it, it’s good enough to play solo when nobody is around, but I would prefer MP to play with at least my 1 friend.

Eleventh Hour Games, please give us an update!!! If not release for MP, at least some updated details on how MP is progressing!!!



Cant wait for pvp and multiplayer!

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I would really like this game to be good. Multiplayer is what makes or breaks long term motivation for RPGs. If you do not mind, I would like to describe typical problems with PvE multiplayer in 3 different games. Hopefully this helps to prevents the same problems from reappearing in Last Epoch.

Nr. 1: Diablo 3 (no reason for multiplayer)

Thousands of people on one server but no opportunities or reason for player interaction. Social hubs and teaming up against bosses normally provides opportunities to find friends. And why would you play a game for 5 years, if not for friends? Dante Alighieri would have been fine with this “Hell” of people ignoring each other, but I quit out of boredom.

Nr. 2 Elder Scrolls Online (forced multiplayer and roles)

You must team up for endgame. Player must stick strictly to one of three roles: Tank, damage dealer or healer. Effective guilds require to play the current meta and must organize weekly PvE raid-schedules over discord. It is so much fun that many players quit or regress to minigames like house decoration and trading.

Nr. 3 Path of Exile (builds are often incompatible)

A good build in this game finishes an area in seconds. Teaming up with a better player is like cleaning up the streets after a parade. While being the better player is also awkward, since there is nothing other players can really do to help you. So multiplayer was sometimes fun, but only if the builds were somewhat compatible.

To not be entirely negative, I would also like to describe a game that provided nice multiplayer experiences. It is dead anyway, so no need to name it here. Bosses scaled with team size. So, players could solo all endgame content, but it was a bit easier in a small group. Event bosses where often solo only to prevent people from getting carried by guilds. No player was forced to adopt a fixed role. Several tanks where fine as well as no tank or healer at all. Groups often picked up randoms for fun and new players paired up without effort in PvE areas. Guilds were rather small and had no other bonus than to meet friends online.

I hope this game flourishes and does not follow one of the 3 bad examples. Thank you for reading and best of luck for the developers!


I know Guild Wars 2 is an MMO (like ESO) & therefore the multiplayer aspect of it is very different, but GW2 did MP very well. If you were on a quest that involved killing mobs, as long as you tagged a mob, it counted for your quest, even if someone else killed it (so camping spawn areas wasn’t much of a thing). If an event popped up on the map everyone was told about it & again, as long as you tagged the boss, you got full credit for the event so it encouraged everyone to help out & dps the boss, or heal, or whatever & it made open world questing actually enjoyable. No high level players being ****s & killing the mobs you needed for quests.

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Sarno, thanks for the off-topic!!
As i played and liked Hellgate a lot that time i am always looking for news about that game.