Make Ignite Interesting

I feel like ignite is missing some spicy mechanics. Since poison stacks makes stacking lots of poisons deal more and more poison damage. (Maybe ignite damage should be renamed “burning”, “scorching” or “flaming” since the ignite part is only when the fire is first ignited/started, and then they take continuous damage.)

  • 1st idea:
    • If the enemy has 3 or more ignite stacks, they take 25% more fire damage
    • If the enemy has 6 or more ignite stacks, ignites last 50% longer
    • If the enemy has 9 or more ignite stakcs, the enemy runs around in fear for X seconds. (The same enemy cannot be affected by this effect for the next 4 seconds) Larger enemies are less affected by this.
  • 2nd idea:
    • When the enemy hits 5 ignite stacks the fire combusts, dealing a large amount of fire damage. (The same enemy cannot be affected by this effect for the next 4 seconds)
  • 3rd idea:
    • When the enemy hits 3 ignite stacks the fire spreads to nearby enemies, igniting them as well