Lagon Should not be attacking when tp'ing me back in front of him

I don’t know about regular Lagon, but in monolith lvl 80 he clearly tp’ed me back to him after the wave’s event, and was already midway through a moon beam (The side scrolling beam attack that MUST be dodged) so he then obviously took my butt.

Not complaining, just saying he should be waiting for me to be there to start a swing or something.

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Happened to me too. It didn’t kill me, but it was annoying.

I also Fury Leapt over the beam and it killed me mid air. Maybe there was a desync as I have jumped over the beam several times.


Something Feel off with him… i loose first time (because i was sloppy and didnt do much…) so i get back 4 echo before with only 1 remove of modifier… I try back but this time just before his quest i wrongly take a +70% elemental modifier then he had one shot me… I try back but this time modifier are scaling with my conquered echo (it started with thing like 70% dmg or 40% glancing blow) Now i think i cant return where he was less a god and more a fish… but still here im getting good loot xD

Yeah, that Enrage at half health isn’t going to help either.

I have my own parrarel echo time where Lagon doesnt need to battle Rayeh he just need to send some Crab and the birds goes down !

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