I've said it once, twice, probably almost ten times and I'll say it again

Exactly, to be more succinct on the matter - human beings are amazingly bad at making mental adjustments on repeated event calculations or completely ignore the fact that the scenario requires repeated events.

The best way? I don’t think so.
The complaints change from:




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Yes that is why its useless to try to find something more relevant to show on the crafting table 10% of failure its still 10%… and finally YES its understable that a lot of people complain since yes they can do something more predictable than just “hey ! put your shard here and gamble your item to see if you break it or not… who know ? it may work too !”

For my part on this subject the thing that i found really regretable is the “1 fail your done”…
I would like it if the “minor failure” can regress a random affix by 1 tier instead of “locking” the craft of the item. This way we will have to farm more shard but if you do have the ressources and diligently farm for your item you can have it !

but im not too sure about something like that its just my way of thinking i dont like game mechanic base on luck… Its always more frustrating to loose against luck than to be properly beaten by skill (or game design in this case)

Coming into the game initially and just looking over crafting quickly (as there wasn’t a great deal of explanation of crafting provided in game at the time) this is how I first thought it was going to work. You push tiers up through crafting with failure likely having multiple tiers of fails resulting in being set back 1 tier or in the case of major failure put back to the starting point or 0 in the case of it starting as an empty slot. That way it would simply be a matter of attrition/determination/time/resources that was blocking the way rather than losing the ability to craft on it at all. I tend to feel that it would be better that way, but it may allow people to hamfist crafts through to a higher level more quickly than the Devs are looking to allow for the pacing of the game, idk.

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Its simple to make it harder with this way ^^ for exemple just level up the difficulty between tier and depending on how hard it is it can actually become harder to craft a full T5 than now xD

Thats also why im not against the fact that your item break at some moment and also why im just talking about Minor fracture for me its still fine if item are lock on damaging fracture ^^

Absolutely, just crank the probabilities accordingly for each tier.

My thought of players hamfisting through to top end would likely only even be relevant for a small % of people that are just trying to force their way through quickly and relying on “luck” to not have things blow up in their faces. Was thinking this is more in line with folks who are streamers or theorycrafters and such that like to get characters up and going ASAP for new seasons/content patches so they can get their platforms rolling.

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Maybe it’s my P&P RPG past that makes it easy for me… I rolled a lot of 1-100 rolls and suffered a lot of misses on stuff that had a miss chance of 5% ^^. After all it does’nt matter if you write 75% success chance or 25% fracture chance… it’s the same at the end of the day.

When I did some crafting testing I managed to do crafts that where more then unlikely to happen but I did there are simply two ends to the spectrum.

In most cases we don’t know what people do who complain. Someone got mad because he wasn’t able to craft a white item to a 4 T5 item for example. If you fail 10 high success chance crafts in a row everyone will be mad but shit simply happens.

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