Introducing Tier 6 and 7 Item Affixes

I’ve been thinking about this for the past couple of hours since I read your post. It’s a good point that I hadn’t considered and I’m not sure how to get around it.

The only thing I can think of is maybe it doesn’t let you remove an idol that grants +1 to a skill unless you have an unspent point in that skill, so you would have to go and take a point out first. It’s not ideal though.

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Really? Looking at the example Trasochi posted ‘‘increased echo damage when a skill echoes’’ from range 140 to 160 and the Uncraftable tag behind Tier 7, makes me think that a Rune of Refinement would only reroll the other >tier 5 affixes and the t7 157% will stay the same?

They only can’t be crafted onto an item, I reckon rolling the values should be doable.


Soooo ready!!! I have a weekend of nothing planned so if this drops this week it is going to be great!

I loved the new tier. Especially that you can only find them in the wild

I’m not crazy at all about how high the RNG ceiling is. The fact that many will be useless because there is so high a likelihood you will get 2 or 3 useless other affixes/suffixes isquite off putting. And then crafting on it will almost certainly tank it.

What about a “slight” control of the RNG like they only drop with one other affix/suffix? This way they would be more useful but still makes crafting one somewhat dangerous.

Affix Shards cannot be used to improve an affix above tier 5. Runes will affect affixes above tier 5 as normal. I saw this concern raised on McFluffin’s Discord last night. We’ve discussed the situation and we’ll be replacing the word ‘Uncraftable’ to improve the clarity here.


Great news, otherwise runes would pretty much lose their value in endgame. Thx for clarifying! <3

I do wonder if this could promote an unhealthy mindset of rushing to level 90 blindfolded without caring for items, knowing that they cannot be T7?
Essentially players treating 1 > 89 like acts in PoE.

Is that much different to now? The people who are likely to want to get the t7 gear are also more likely to be the ones to run through the campaign as quickly as possible. The only difference I’d see is that they’d carry on rushing till they get to a level where the t7s are easier to drop. And if that’s what they enjoy, more power to them. Other people won’t do that, so as long as the broader community don’t come to the belief that t7 affixes are “essential” (you know, like whatever the flavour of the month or chase gear is “essential” in PoE) it’ll be ok.

For sure but I’m wondering if it’s being extended now from campaign to level 90?
In PoE crafting serious players don’t pick up anything nor show even in itemfilters items below the highest tier for that item crafting - including myself.
I know I didn’t have that mindset before in LE but I can sense one developing now.

For some, certainly. But should the game be balanced around that fraction of a percent?

I’m not sure what to say. If a person wants to rush to the bit of the game that they believe they’ll enjoy most, is that a bad thing? If a person is a min-maxer & wants to get to where they can have the best chance of dropping the rarest affixes/gear/etc, is that a bad thing? If someone detests the end-game & only plays through the story multiple times, dropping a character when they complete the campaign, is that a bad thing?

Would I want to skip through the story after having played it quite a few times, yes, and for me, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It also won’t stop me levelling an innumerable number of alts & running them through the story.

Personally, once I get to the point where I have way more of the common affixes than I would get through, I’d then tweak the loot filter to only show the rarer ones that I don’t have lots of, which is, IMO, the entire point of the loot filter.

As Saddam Hussein said in South Park, relax man!


I think if the developers have to make bets on the player’s ignorance then the system has failed.
If a fraction of a percent will understand that good items start dropping only late in the game, I think it was a failure by the developers.

To clarify this is me taking an axiomatic approach that most people at least in their consciousness want to play efficiently.

I understand that everyone has their own ways of enjoying the game and I’m not challenging that but I’m not sure if there’s a necessity to create such a strong dichotomy in the efficiency aspect.

What purpose would the level 90 cap represent?
I think we should strive towards everyone enjoying the game from start til end while being able to play as efficiently as possible throughout the whole experience.

This would be a problem if T6/7 are the only chase in the game. If there are other content that can drop chase items before 90 it may be less of a problem.

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seems exciting

A thought.

Maybe have the T6 affix have the range that you have now, and have the T7 affix always roll the highest number on the T6 or even a static number of your choosing, higher, (probably need to tweak them a bit with my idea, ie: buff the T6 affix a bit). This way you wouldnt have to nerf the current affixes in any way and it gives people a sense of getting the best in slot or scaling that peak, if you will.

Everything else will be the same, but at least if you do loot that T7 best in slot item you can be happy that at least that one affix you are looking for, for your build, is the highest you can get. T7 doesnt make T6 obsolete, and should be super rare but it’ll also give something solid and no RNG for the players to reach for. And what a rush when they do loot it. For the example you used, Chance to bleed:

-T5: 32%-45%
-T6: 43%-49%
-t7: 49%-49% (or just make it higher at 50%-50% so there is still SOME seperation between t6 and t7 even at the highest level for them both)

Anyways, it’s just a thought. RNG is super important in ARPG’s, of course, but theres definitely room for some static numbers imo.

Also, in terms of shattering these T6 and T7 items, will they drop a higher number of shards if you shatter them or a least give a higher chance of dropping the shards that they represent? Ive shattered so many items with “damage taken as X shards” on them and receive next to no shards or even just no shards at all from them. While this is just RNG and its fine, it can definitely be a little disheartening. Having a higher number or higher chance of getting the represented t6 and t7 affix shards would definitely give me more incentive to take a chance with shattering said items and keep that aspect of crafting relevant with them. So even if you get some truly useless (to your build) t6\t7 items, youre still gunna want to grab them, 'cause maybe they have one t6/t7 affix that you are looking for, and now youll know at least if you shatter it youll have a higher chance of getting that affix shard or even more of them if you do!

I’d rather not have primals make there way over here. D3’s itemisation isn’t exactly stellar.

Im not sure if that will ever be an issue as youre still gunna have to rely heavily on RNG for the other 3 affixes, (whether its crafting them higher or just getting the right ones matched with the t7 on the item looted to begin with) and even then getting the right ITEM dropped with a good implicit is heavily RNG as well. Theres always gunna be something to work towards as the chances you have the right ITEM with the highest IMPLICIT with the right 4 AFFIXES on it and all those affixes a T7… yea, Im thinking the chances for that are slim to none.

This even might make some otherwise unthought of builds see the light of day as you’re gunna want to equip that T7 gear you looted even if its not exactly perfect, might open up some, out of the box, ideas.

It’s sad to read crafting is considered inferior to rng/pure luck and therefore by intent is not considered a legitimate way of getting the the ‘top tier gear’. This reduces the value of crafting materials, and like in an unnamed ARPG everyone knows about but I’d rather not mention again, your ‘optimal’ strategy is to just don’t pick up anything crafting related and just use a filter to only show the top items, go quick, kill en masse and just wait for the drop you want.
I’m disappointed.

I hardly believe this will be the case. I read somewhere, drop rates are balances in a way, you will run around with 1 or 2 good crafted Tier 6 or 7 items only. :slight_smile: but we will see.

I think that we might have a bit of a miscommunication. It’s more that you’ll find a base to craft on to with a t6/7 affix on it. Crafting is still very important in getting top tier gear. The chances of finding the exact right item in the wild that doesn’t require any crafting is astronomically unlikely.