Enemies Do Too Much Damage?

yes, dots are too good and need adjustement.
Lag that we have many times is also a reason why dots are deadly.

By dots, I assume you mean poison?

Dot for the player builds, yes, poison is way above any other skills in terms of damage, Thyworm made a very good video on the subject a few days ago.

But dots on the mobs sides are also way too strong compared to their counterpart “on hit” attacks (thanks to glancing blow disminishing a lot of damage from “on hit” effect and block chance blocking a lot of damage as well).

The deadliest attacks in the game from the mobs are all dots :

Pools of poisons
Death Screech from Rare Chimeras
Necrotic breath from Soul Cage
The breath frost attacks from vipernids
Incinerate and Immolation skills from Siege Golems
Laser Beams from Winged Mobs
Laser beam from Lagon

This is not “normal”. We should nerf glancing blow and to compensate for it nerf “on hit” damage and dots should be toned down a bit (just what they did to siege golems, a 10% dmg nerfs on their dots attacks).

I understand that but the problem is that the void knight is hardly viable. Not to mention tanky classes dont even feel that tanky, some enemies do little damage and someone one shot or shred my forge guard

Well sure if you have very specific gear then yes, but getting that specific gear in the campaign is near impossible for some builds if you havent already played through the game on a different character. Not to mention you will have to waste so much shards just to throw away the gear at the endgame due to updating your build.

Elemental protection shards are plentiful, i play on Solo Self Found and had no problem during leveling for my elementals protections on gear and for end game (poisons and necro were a problem tho).

This is what I liked about D3 at launch. More arpgs should def take note of that more methodical combat style.

Yes but you need more than protections. Example sentinel needs to use a shield as 2h arent viable until you can manage to get very specific gear in the endgame and even then very few 2h builds are viable.

Some of the bosses in the campaign one shot you with ease. I to enjoy a challenge but they just have attacks that are instantaneous and will one shot you regardless of res or def. Even worse are the ones with movement skills that do this.

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After playing a bunch of builds I just wanted to add a few things along these lines and not start a new topic. Things that are deadly to my range characters doesn’t hardly leave a scratch on my melee character and things that are deadly on my melee character don’t bother my range ones at all. DoTs for example will melt my melee primalist at 2300 HP and over around 1200 elemental resist and armour with only about 400-500 of the poison/void/nectroic resist. Siege Golems and covenant of destruction will kill me a large amount of the time in higher monos either from spamming of abilities in siege golems or i haven’t figured out how not to get ignited from the covenant of destruction and i just watch my hp pool melt. The soul cage necro breath gets me when there are large group of enemies and i can’t tell they are using their breath i leap in or go in and by the time I’ve finish my attack animation if i’m not dead i’m almost dead.

My range character are more glass cannon type builds and I don’t have a problem with the damage output being done to em. Its easy to avoid most of the DoT enemies above and destroy em from range, while I usually die from homing attacks or spam from lightning elementals. Even being fairly squishy my mage pushes level 10-15 mono consistently and that’s with 600 hp and dodge as his only defensive stat (only at 60% i think right now).

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I agree with that, and not only at high level. Even at level 40-50ish, everything goes fine until you enter a new map where some trash mob can one-shot you, for exemple the “winged Fire” in the lake Liath area. There are sometimes 2-3 of these in an narrow path, so hard to avoid them. Their fire rays often kill you on the spot even if your resist is at about 50% (not bad at this level). Had similar problems with other kind of elemental damage too. It’s not normal to have more difficulty dealing with trash mob than bosses in my opinion. Some balancing would be welcome.

I think the game needs a lot of balancing in that matter. It’s getting frustrating sometimes. I often was killed instantly by a regular mob I didnt even see, shooting from the edge of the screen, no warning whatsoever…

I think you got to take into account that the games content is half done and so monsters being over-tuned is just something to keep you challenged while the process gets finished . Im positive the end results with all the stages of the game complete will have more balance

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Yes this is true but that is also why we are here giving feedback. We have to make sure the devs know and help them with game, it’s the whole point of this forum.

While that is true, they could really do with smoothing out the damage/damger progression, the game is pretty easy through to act 6, then it gets a lot harder in 7 & then much harder again in 8. I think people would be complaining less if the increase in difficulty were smoother throughout the campaign.

Yeah in act 7 and 8 dmg is tuned a bit higher than i would have expected as i was progressing. Obviously this will change over time but it was quite frustrating as a melee.

Great discussion going on!
Noting down which enemies specifically you think deal too much damage, as well as which attack, is very helpful when we go in to balance them. Even better would be to also include what kind of build you have and how your defenses are setup.


First of all, I am only in levels 40 so not doing any monolith etcetera so cannot vouch for this game but reading all this makes me feel:

  • The game should not give the opportunity to rely on health regain mechanics that make players unkillable unless one-shotted. I vote for much less health regain outside of potions, so there is a constant struggle to keep up your life bulb instead of always being at at least 90%.
  • I do not like mechanics that give a chance to completely avoid crits or other stuff. It has to be a constant flat or percentage. Otherwise there is still that cruising mode in 99% until it bypasses the RNG and you die instantly. Remove GB and other similar mechanics please.

Off the top of my head the most notable enemy would be siege golem. I feel the siege golem is overpowered in general, but the fire spray attack is the one that is most deadly. There are some other enemies as well, but I can’t remember the names so I’ll make another reply when I find out.

As for my defenses

85% armor
65% for all resistances
72% chance to block, with 3000 block effectiveness

60% armor
70% resistances
95% glancing blow chance

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As a melee character, yeah it’s DEFINITELY overturned. Nearly all of my ‘stops’ in Arena are the result of Siege Golems.

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