Crafting Forge

The design goal, as mentioned in OP, is to create nodes for social interactions.

I kinda like this idea.

My suggestion would be to attempt to do that through means that are inherently social, rather than foisting it on an unrelated system. Examples could be a robust set of chat channels, guilds, a social screen with more depth, player shops, an “apprentice” system (with some incentive for more experienced players to assist novices), or other social systems.

Additional functionality could be added to town to incentivize players to gather there: as noted above, player shops & apprentice system, LFG interface, access to town-only chat channel(s), opportunities to show off MTX, seasonal events with cosmetic participation rewards, etc.

I guess the core of my point here is that playing in a social manner should not be a requirement for anything that strongly impacts GAMEPLAY, as forge-related crafting incentives (aside from the one I mentioned in previous post) would do. I personally love being social (see: posting on forums…) but many do not, and even I prefer to limit my sociability to conversation, rather than actual gameplay. Hopefully some of the ideas here prove useful, or at least get juices flowing on how players can be ALLOWED (rather than forced) to interact on an axis completely removed from gameplay concerns.


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I like this, it sounds like (if I understood it correctly) that, “I can identify stuff whilst on the battlefield but when in town I’d much rather have Deckard do it for me.”

One method doesn’t really have any clear advantage over the other, both are more or less equal besides in the “convenience” department.


Yep, you got it. Upon further reflection, I think it may actually make more sense for you to be able to use as many runes / glyphs as you want (as the system currently stores these in your character anyway) but only able to use shards in the field that you haven’t yet sent to stash - i.e. what’s in your inventory. From the perspective of the current systems, I think this makes the most sense, and it likely better fulfills the goals most frequently associated with field crafting (which will probably be to use runes to break down items into shards).

Just more food for thought.

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I’m liking your idea more and more as you refined it. Hopefully the devs might consider it :slight_smile:

(I have this thread bookmarked and check it every morning. I don’t always reply but I am watching it.)


Good - glad we’re having some productive discourse. I think that’s as refined as I’m gonna get on this one without more critical feedback, but I hope it’s helpful.

So my thought process on this would maybe be for higher tier items.

maybe you pick up that cool sword and you go ahead and throw a few levels of crit hit on it. well when you get back to town you go to the forge and that gives a better chance at not shattering said item because you have access to said forge and all the tools that go into creating a magic item. i mean last time i checked we are not all carrying around a forge and God knows what different material to assist in the forging of said magic item. The chance doesn’t have to be changed dramatically but maybe something like

LVL-1 +0
LVL-2 +5%
LVL-3 +10%
LVL -4 +15%

i like the idea of crafting and i think using a forge should afford some degree of help with the RNG aspect of creating items. instead as it stands now i just grind until i find enough things to get the item to LVL-3 or LVL-4 of the afixes

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It’s a good idea But to put a pourcentage is way too sneaky.
Allow to craft T5 only at the forge. Perhaps T4.

Else it make the forge mandatory even at low level crafting.

I persist to say that the best way is to allow cosmetic only at the forge, like
dyeing or transmorph.

I like the idea of giving the forge some functional value. It will be a good opportunity to see and interact with other players when we are not slaying monsters.

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My biggest question right now is: Will you even see players to interact with? This will only happen in MP games right? There is no big hub or something like that where hundrets of players run arround. I don’t see any importance to give the forge functional value just to be an opportunity to see a group member standing arround there ^^.

End of Time is supposed to be a hub for players once the game goes online.

It’s good to be reminded why I don’t buy EA titels anymore ^^. I realy hope this is optional or they have a looooot up their sleeves when it comes to optimisation to make the game run on the specified system requirements.
If things are like now I see End of Time simply make my PC explode ^^.

I think the Concept of limited shattering in the field is a good one. I honestly don’t see any reason why we even need to have shattering part of the forge. Perhaps shattering runes can be separate from the forge, so we can shatter at any time, but everything else needs to be done at the forge? It would be more logical that way, and then you can just control the rate of acquisition. forging weapons would still push people to community hubs either way.

Or make shattering runes a separate method of shattering…the forge just has a button, that could work too. Unlimited shatter at forge, but limited in the open world. I’d be careful about how much you nerf the drop rate in those circumstances though…A QoL aspect isn’t QoL when it becomes too rare :smiley:

I like community hubs, downside is latency and performance hits…right now I’m struggling to even get the EoT hub to function w/o performance issues when I’m the only one there. I’d hate to see qhat would happen with a dozen folks, So optimization would be necessary if were planning on hubs being a thing.

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Okay, My take on “Crafting” and “The Forge”

First off I love the crafting system as it is, thought I do believe minor improvements could be made.

For what i read in the little parts i’ve read, i disagree; shattering is crafting, you are getting magics out of the item and believe it should stay the way it is. Though i think the item used to shatter should have a 5% increase in drop chance however you tie that in to drop chance calculations. I also think because "shattering is such an important aspect to end game that the item should cost 500 more, 2000 is a lot, but not really, especially if you increase its findability

My thoughts on the “Forge” okay so their is a lot you could do with the forge, as shattering is an important part of the game and end game content.
Firstly I would say mitigation to the fracture amount, if you are using a forge (and not crafting on the fly in the field) reduce the amount of chance to fracture, that said make forges random locations, make it so people want to go back through the game hoping to find forges - rather than placing them in major cities.

Next Idea, end game content forge - The Monolith - make the forge appear either randomly or every 10/25/20 monolith levels, so people keep running monoliths similar to the way they do rifts in D3, this will be great once multiplayer enters.

Other sub idea, a mythic forge, by random chance say 3-5% you find a mythic forge which allows you a once off swap on any affix of the same level, ie, i have 5 strength on an item this will allow me to swap it to any other prefix of the same level.
or maybe even one that grants your item and extra boon.

this means you could have different levels of Forges, Normal, Rare, Legendary, Mythic and Unique. - Unique allowing you to alter a unique item in some way, or re-roll its stats completely negative or better make it a chance.

Normal - 1% less Fracture chance.
Rare - 5% less Fracture chance.
Legendary - 10% less fracture chance.
Mythic - allows the trade of one affix to that of the same level, once forge is used once it becomes a forge of lower level (N/R/L)
Unique - Allows you to alter Unique items in a variety of ways or maybe adds a random prefix/suffix to your items / one off 25% less chance to fracture / gives you one free level on an affix of your choice? - few ideas on the unique forge.

I’m loving the Monolith end game, but I want to see it a reason to keep playing the same way I did in D3 with the portals. I prefer monolith over the endless key thing it gives you. and adding awesome forges will make people want to go through the game over and over to make their gear as good as possible to get even further through the Monoliths.

soon you will have people fighting to see how far the can get.

I hope my ideas help, I’ve been playing ARPG’s since early pc/ps2 days sooo replayability is massive for me and the only one ive found making me want to keep playing was D3s end game adventure mode and even then it was about running rifts and trying to see how far i could get with a friend.


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Personally I don’t like the idea of complicating the forging system with additional bonuses in town or restrictions in the field.

I don’t mind if crafting would only be available in town. Most of the time I’m running monolith I only collect items till my stash is full and then take a break at the vendor to sell and shatter items. also my crafting sessions always take place in town.

But I think it would be a decrease of QOL when there are restrictions. Players will be tired of running from place to place to shatter or craft. I already am unsatisfied with the long ways between monolith and arena. And why is there a separated area when I return from a monolith run? When I want to gamble I have to take a town portal.

The minutes you waste by travelling from here to there sum up and this is time I can’t play.

you can always craft without the forge still, i was adding benefits to the forge. as currently the forge makes no difference.

Thats an indirect restriction. If you want to have the best results you have to go to the forge. Who does not want to have the best results?

This way most people would go to the forge because they don’t want to miss chance to have the best items.

Lategame uou want to maximize your gear. So you craft on items that are worth it. These are rare and you don’t want to wast them by crafting in the field.

This way you could also say you restrict the data volume of you mobile internet connection on your smartphone. You will only get full speed at certain hubs for better social interaction.

Or you get better prices on Amazon when you are in a certain area of your hometown.

Does this sound like an improvement?

Crafting should be the same at all spots.

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