Crafting Forge

you can always craft without the forge still, i was adding benefits to the forge. as currently the forge makes no difference.

Thats an indirect restriction. If you want to have the best results you have to go to the forge. Who does not want to have the best results?

This way most people would go to the forge because they don’t want to miss chance to have the best items.

Lategame uou want to maximize your gear. So you craft on items that are worth it. These are rare and you don’t want to wast them by crafting in the field.

This way you could also say you restrict the data volume of you mobile internet connection on your smartphone. You will only get full speed at certain hubs for better social interaction.

Or you get better prices on Amazon when you are in a certain area of your hometown.

Does this sound like an improvement?

Crafting should be the same at all spots.

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I disagree though, i would have more enjoyment trying to find those rare forges, and i craft as i go, not just when i get back, i also break things down as i go.

but i disagree because im talking about replayability, if crafting is the same everywhere, what reason would i have to keep my character going or going back through the maps that they spent ages working on. and just because you can get better forges doesnt mean you will wait to go to one, you may just use a lesser quality one because its convenient.

but players who spend hours upon hours grinding daily will hunt for better ones because its fun. ive spent 50 hours on one character in 4 days. im grinding to find the right affixes and breaking down the right items etc. and get the money to make them better.

but now its dangerous to advance my gear because if it shatters it reverts back to tier 1 affixes. I would gladly spend another 3 hours hunting for a better forge to level my gear further. because most my gear is t4-5

You assume the people will be thankful to have the opportunity to admire the landscape they have to click through for minutes just to get to a forge for crafting?

What about town portals? Wouldn’t it be better to eliminate them, too? So we can spend more time travelling. Because that’s what ARPGs are all about. Travelling. For crafting.

No offence here. But we don’t come together here :woozy_face:

so you suggest they leave the forge as it is and do nothing?
or they give you max level from the start and just the monolith and see who can get the highest, because then its just pure end game content?

im happy for you to disagree, i get that, but you need to come up with something in response, I was giving ideas on how to improve it, that was all.

No, I don’t have to come up with ideas. For me it is ok at the current state. So my only suggestion would be to leave mechanics that work as they are.

Make the crafting system more complicated, but not the access to this system.

Imagine you just found a good item to craft on. You travel to the forge. So you say you would than spend some hours (!! not minutes) hunting for a better forge. Than you’ve done crafting and go back to play the real endgame content. Suddenly the next good item drops. Yay! Another search for the forge.

This does not sound like fun to me. Its guaranteed frustration.

I think this is the sign of a different mindset (not a worse one mind) compared to RawSuicide. If your are the type of player that wants to get to the highest monolith timelines or arena waves in the quickest time possible, you would need the best gear. In a game with forges that give different or “better” bonuses having the best gear would mean crafting at the best forges to get the highest bonuses possible (or least chance of a fracture, or whatever).

The only thing I would want if there were forges in the game world rather than just towns is that they have a stash next to them. That way you wouldn’t need to potentially go back to town (resetting the area) to deal with your inventory, or pick up a high quality base that you’ve been saving for crafting.