Can we discuss about this SOUL CAGE mobs

And that’s fair enough & if/when they implement some colourblindness options I imagine that this would be “fixed” by it.

Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill & lay off the ad hominems…

Though it does remind me of an amusing comparison on the differences between Americans and British views on “politeness”, someone said that they’d far rather have an American be fake & wish them a “nice day” than a Brit who honestly tells them to go **** themselves.

I’m sorry but that’s just hindsight bias. :roll_eyes:

Humpf, yeah, no.

Only 14 to deal with …

Soulcage Roundup

ps. Yes - I did die taking the Screenshot.

That’s commitment, though if you ran through the level gathering them all in once place for a screenshot, I don’t think that really counts (IMO).

It was 4 packs in a small area I “gathered” - groups of 3’s and 4’s - not dragging 1’s and 2’s through the map for a selfie :smiley:

But as I moved to avoid 1 breath, next pack got pulled and so it snowballed. Very easy to pull multiple packs if you’re not careful.


Yes, if you have no “safe space” to retreat back to then I can easily see that happening. Which is what happened to KMQ, he didn’t retreat to a “safe space” (he may even have not believed he needed to do so, or thought that where he was moving was safe enough, hindsight is awesome).

im understand some of u maybe im doing mistake not dodging enemy , but DoT Skill 1shot anyone is not fair , DoT Skill should act like dot , i dont mind die because long DoT Damage but getting 1shot by DoT but not getting 1shot by Mono Boss literally unbalanced over there , why dont just put soul cage as a boss because soul cage can 1shot me while Mono Boss cannot ?

Yeah, but

  • It looks like he walked into 2 overlapping dots
  • We have no idea if the bottom one of the pair had been damaged or not, it looks like it had but we can’t tell due to the lack of health bars. If it hadn’t, it would have had a x2 multiplier on the damage (due to the “deadly” monolith modifier)
  • We’re all used to glancing blow & taking half the damage from hits, but dots aren’t affected by that so all else being equal, you could say that it’s doing double the damage that all the hit-sources of damage are doing (doubled again if it wasn’t damaged & the “deadly” modifier was buffing the mob)

So that’s anywhere up to 4x (no Glancing Blow + Deadly) damage on the bottom Soul Cage plus 2x (no Glancing Blow) damage on the other Soul Cage.

Plus he only had 600hp & 600 protections for a total EHP of 1,200 & their fire breat isn’t exactly a weak dot (probably due to the lack of Glancing Blow) compared to other damage sources.

It would be a lot easier if we knew how much damage the mobs did & could therefore work it out, but it effectively took at least 1,200 in one tick of the DoT, working back from that, that’s equivalent to hits of ~200 damage (after Glancing Blow).

im talking about my pic not him . dot skill should act like dot skill not 1shot , also even strong enemy like lightning spider dint 1shot me even the damage is " Burst " how the hell burst damage lost to dot skill ? dot should act like dot not literally 1shot level 500hp with 200+ ward and 56% necro resist , if you still think this is ok then this is fked up , if u want know how dot should work u should play POE , i never get 1shot by dot because i can counter it using " FLASK " unlike this monster , literally i cant press anything and die with that much of resist , the only mod i alwasy take only enemy regen / high health mod , rarely have damage mod in my map . if u see my map mod only have 12% damage and 120% crit chance . how that should boost dot skill 1shot level 84 character ? this game still in beta , u should know not everything perfect in this game , if thing need change then it need to be change , i relly want to support this game because low player playing this game , if this bs keep happening no point i playing this game instead other balanced game that relly punish me for my mistake not 1shot me with consider " end game " equipment item . if its not dot then i can accept SC 1shot me , but its not . if youre thinking its still my fault then u are dumb because keep thinking its ppl fault , this game need " critisize " to be better

Silly me for thinking you were talking about the Kiss_Me_Quick like the rest of us.

You’ve got a 14% increased damage mod & a 32% increased damage mod & we have no idea if the Soul Cages had any damage mods on them. Compared to your 1,600 EHP.

Everything I said above still stands though.

I would suggest that the damage from DoTs should be more granual, so instad of taking 1 hit every second for X damage, you take 5 (or better 10) hits for 1/5 X damage every 0.2s.

I don’t understand why this thread is still going on. OP walks into a mechanic which is clearly visible and dies. Get more resists or don’t go walking into massive degen aoes. These monsters have a very avoidable move set, have only two attacks and are slow, unless you intentionally pull a massive amount of them you won’t have an issue. There are many other monsters in the game which fit that exact profile.

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If every mechanic in this game is going to be fixed with enough resists it will become boring stat check. I hope soul cages stay as they are.


100% agree.

I am ok with being tanky enough to survive some of the more dangerous abilities, like Lightmage’s meteors or anykind of telegraphed bursty-type of abilities.

But stuff like any ConE/DoT thing can and should be very dangerous.

I would be ok with making the Soul Cage’s Breath Attack a little bit mroe visible and prominent.


I would completely agree that Soul Cages are actually pretty well balance. They are free kills from range and free kills if you stand behind them after they breathe. After they do their frontal cone you have large windows of free damage with a guarantee to not get hit by them. In my opinion you choose to stand in front of them you SHOULD be punished with how free the damage windows are for this particular monster. I just think some players are highly exaggerating their difficulty.

Another one - I died instantly since I just didn’t notice the mob as there are 100 different effects going on and for me the flame is exactly the same colour as on hit effects. I can do 200 item rarity only offensive modifiers monoliths with no problems.
I can tank the Primal Dragon’s and most other bosses dot fully consciously with 2x more damage modifiers but I can’t be in a rare mob’s flame for 0.5s.

I have died( 3 times) ONLY to Soul Cage over the last 20 hours of playing this game. Not a single boss or any other mob.

Those are the two problems here. Solving the second would help with the first.

You have got to be kidding me…
My cursor not moving after the death should speak for itself.

I agree but let me indulge in my stubbornness for one more time - I still believe the damage is completely unjustified compared to how the rest of the game plays out.
Also sorry for using so many negatives in one sentence last night, I don’t know what I was thinking :disappointed:

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Not wanting to be harsh … but you did stand in front of them while they were doing their breath.

Try to avoid the head end at all costs!

And I feel for you - I die to them too often aswell … but I put this down to my mistake with position/movement not the mob damage which is totally avoidable.

In the first vid, you ran straight into it’s head while it was doing it’s breath.

In the second vid, the one hiding behind the tree was very hard to see and just bad luck imo.

In both vids you got yourself surrounded to some extent, leaving yourself little space to maneuver.

In these scenarios I simply cannot put the blame on myself and hindsight should be applied to only what I can recall to perceive at the moment, no more.
The game is not supposed to be me on my 100% alertness in every moment just in case a Soul Cage pops out behind the tree. During boss fights - sure! While I’m mapping? No.
The problem is that there isn’t a learning lesson in any of these scenarios; and if that’s not the outcome of an unfortunate event, it’s bad design.
I can react, outmaneuver and most of the time even out-tank every monster and boss in this game but Soul Cage as a complete exception from the rest of the game manages to hit me like a lightning during a sunny day.

In both of these scenarios I quite simply and literally did not see( perceive) them and once the channelling commenced, there was no humanly fast enough time to react.