Anyone else deal with this RNG?

100 items is a pretty low sample size then again a lot of people complain items with high% success chances fracture easier. I have 0 issues with the system, while I get it’s frustrating, but I changed my Mindset pretty much. I think I’m not entiteled to get everything I want when I want it because other games I played pretty much served me everything on a silver plate.
When people started to tell somethingis wonky with high success chances I tested that and had no issues. I started crafting on my new toon and had no issues. So far my new toon shattered ONE item out of 60ish craftings.
I get it it might frustrate people but I simply have some rules for myself I follow:

  1. Don’t craft if you don’t have a substitute Item
  2. Don’t use guardian scrolls under 25% fracture chance but only stability ones. If it breaks shatter it.
  3. Don’t push items further then needed at any given moment. T5 rolls and stuff is something I hunt for in the lategame when I can effort loosing stuff due fractures.

With those 3 little self applied rules crafting isn’t frustrating. If I have a bad rng steak I simply stop crafting because I don’t want to be frustrated and that’s it.


I am not saying I want everything easy to get. I get that. But when I finally get the item that I have been farming for, for 2 days drops. I do one upgrade on stat that says 80%+ chance to upgrade, and it ends up being 43% chance that’s what I have a problem with. Those 100 Items were items that had the right stats that I wanted or almost all, and they borked at a 57% chance when they said they were 20%+ chance to fail, thats what I have a problem with. It took me a weeks worth of farming to get those said items, mind you I work a lot so I dont’ get to play as much as I want, but have those 100 items, and them saying 80% and me getting 43% is fucking ridiculous. Thats RNG on RNG on RNG its fucking stupid. And to explain, RNG #1 getting the right item to drop, RNG #2 having the right stats, RNG #3 rolling them to be good. RNG on RNG on RNG doesn’t make it content. This is the first ARPG that I have found that RNG on RNG on RNG matters to actually finish the game. Unless echos aren’t consider part of the game. They way I look at it is Arena’s are the end game, everything else should be completed with any build.


Disagree. Without any other endgame modes implemented, it’s too early to determine what the real endgame is. But roughly implemented placeholder system like arena is defenitely not “the real endgame” for me.

So this is propably your first ARPG ever? I don’t get this complaint. Isn’t finding the right item with good stats that roll high values a core mechanic of RPGs since they were invented?

You have a relatively small number of examples, you base your % on. Statistic isn’t precisely deterministic. Theres no math beneath the surface that let’s you automatically have a success when there statistically would be one. You can have 3 fractures in a row on a 90% success chance. It’s not common, but it’s possible.

Maybe 1000 crafts are a good sample.

EHG have looked into it. They did not find a hint that something with that crafting RNG is wrong, yet.

Every RPG or Loot Shooter has random elements# LE is no exception here.

If a game wants to be played without RNG you need to make the good items so hard to be accessible that you propably would make gearing plain tedious. Otherwise there would be no incentive to chase items.

Seems I defenitely have a different view on things like you have. :upside_down_face:

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There have been several long threads about the RNG “not working”. Mike (one of the devs) did some testing of a million or so crafts & the fracture rate was close enough to what the % said it should be.

That’s not to say that you won’t have streaks or see “patterns” in the randomness which is a)normal & b)called pareidolia. Even “proper” RNG is streaky. Like bacon. And everyone like bacon.


You must not have played POE.


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been getting the short end of the proverbial RNG stick. When you have enough people playing the game, this is bound to happen to someone. It’s crazy unlikely to happen this extreme but is technically possible. If it makes you feel any better, as you keep going, it will eventually balance out.

I can confirm that since the post which llama quoted, I have done way more testing on the system and it is actually doing very close to perfect RNG. It’s pretty expensive to set up a some atmosphere white noise sampling system or something to get real true RNG but it’s super close. In my automated testing I did an “unlucky streak” detection and I did get a couple really bad ones that seemed impossible. The opposite is also true though, I had a few successes at sub 10% success rate. This is really hard to get any of because you also have to get all the previous ones too.

Many non-multiplayer games will have built in detection for these types of steaks and adjust to make the system feel like what might be expected. We don’t adjust the RNG based on how many fails have happened recently. So each roll is independent of previous ones.

I know this doesn’t really address the main point of your post which is more the displeasure of using RNG like this at all. All I can say is that we are still planning on expanding the crafting system going forward. We are constantly looking at finding that balance of where gear upgrades come from. Recently we added t6/7 affixes which are loot drop only and then added a critical success for crafting. These are two small steps in what I think is the right direction.


It’s not an equal comparison. In PoE, the only way to brick your item is by using a Vaal Orb. Until that point, you can use currency and league mechanics to customize your item to almost exactly what you want. There’s a lot of RNG, sure, but with current leagues, it’s much easier to customize.

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But PoE only allow you to craft 1 affix in most case and the multicraft is cost alot and you can’t even get high tier. LE let you craft all affix on item and upgrade it tier. Say you want an item with 4 affix highest tier. I think PoE would need more RNG.

This is completely untrue. When was the last time you played PoE?
You use your Trans orb on a white item, to make it magic, the you Alt and Aug orb until you get the stats you want, then you Regal. If the Regal gives you sometime you don’t want, then you scour and try again. If the Regal gives you something you can use, then you enchant it.

You can also use Essences for a lot more rng, but guaranteeing you 1 stat you want. Or you can use Delve items: Fossils and Resonators to hone the stats you’re looking for.

And Harvest League, well, you could pretty much craft exactly what you want. Some of Harvest’s mechanics were really powerful, and at least some form of it was coming back permanently, though we don’t know how. Or if, anymore, considering their post about the new League in December.

So why let it happen?
This was my biggest problem in the game: strings of near instant fractures. It’s not fun.
For every player that has great RNG, there’s one who’s the opposite.

Except from Harvest, how many alt regal you need to actually hit every stats you want? And compare to LE let you get all stat you want but RNG in enhance the stat. Which I’m saying that LE let us easily access to all stat we want. Unlike PoE when you have to alt-scourge for hours just to hit something you want in trash tier.

Ok. I’ll name 4 affix in LE and 6 affix in POE. Let’s see which item takes less resources for you to get the exact item with affixes I name in both.

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I’m all for the customization in LE. It’s unmatched! But I don’t accept the fracturing system in this form, and I don’t accept:

Not cool.

My idea was that each tier of affix cost exponentially more: and much more than 1 per tier. And fractures don’t start until purple Exalted gear. At that point, I’m totally fine with gambling.

This gives all of you that enjoy it, the thrill of the gamble and RNG, while letting the people that don’t, not deal with it, or deal with it less.

A best of both worlds kind of thing.

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if you’re not ok with dealing with bad RNG, why do you even like ARPGs? it’s like the fundamental aspect that all of them share. sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you get fucked. i’m not trying to gatekeep here, i’m legitimately confused how you could be into this genre if that’s a dealbreaker for you.

edit: i also think the “critical success” they added with this patch really helped with the frustration of fractures. i had a craft the other day where i got 2 critical successes within about 5 attempts on a single item. it felt very good, and was statistically very unlikely. it’s the perfect counterbalance imo.


This right here would not work once a multiplayer comes. Everyone running around with their t20 gear kinda kills the gear progression.


This make new player cannot get access to high tier crafted affix apart from drop. And after 1 or 2 month playing I don’t think anyone is short on shards anymore. So basically new player get no high tier crafting and people who played a lot always get guarranteed high tier craft.


Yea. Hopefully we can see the percentage of critical success in the future. It was low but when we see the number it’s kinda tempting. Also this come up with an idea for shards is increase the critical success in cost of stability.

Such a terrible idea. Others went over it so I won’t rehash it. You can play the vast majority of this game with T14 items and do fine. I haven’t hit endgame yet and I can do all the monoliths with no problem. ARPGs has always been about RNG. Why the hell would you bring in a deterministic system into loot? Just the thought of farming the same affixes just to increase a tier makes me sick.

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Damn, I was under the impression you couldn’t shatter fractured gear, so I’d just been selling them…

Whelp, good to know.

At least in this way you get some of the used shards back and sometimes even all used shards or even more shards then used ^^.