The Odd Couple...of Crafting Ideas

Hello All,

So I have a couple crafting ideas I have been thinking about for a while. The first I’ve mentioned here a couple times in random posts and it got a few likes so I figured I’d highlight it.

Basically, the idea is that you can shatter uniques for a chance to receive a rare Rune. That Rune would be called the Rune of the Past. What it would do is that it would allow you to remove a fracture on an item and return it to the state it was in before it fractured. The catch is that an item could only be fixed once. If you attempt to craft further on it, instead of another potential fracture, the item can be completely destroyed.

The chance to get the Rune of the Past from uniques would be based on the rarity of the unique itself. Common uniques would have roughly a 5% chance of awarding you the rune where as a rare unique would have 20% with all other uniques falling somewhere in between.

The second idea is another rune that would work similar to the Rune of Removal. It would be called the Rune of Selection. Essentially instead of the randomness of the Rune of Removal potentially screwing you over, here you can select 1 affix on an item to remove. However, using it will dramatically increase the instability/chance of fracture on the item. It’s a high risk/high reward type rune that ideally you would only use on a rare that has 3 affixes you want, and 1 you don’t. You likely won’t get that 1 new affix to a high tier because of the increased instability, but it gives you a better chance to at least get 4 stats you actually want/need a little easier.

That’s it. Open for suggestions/discussion.

Why only repair it once though? That’s as arbitrary a choice as you can’t repair fractures at all. What if the first repair cost 1 rune, the second repair cost 2, then 4, then 8, etc?

While I thought about that, the idea of doing it once and once only is that if you could do it infinitely it would be relatively easy to get fully decked out in all maxed out gear. Especially now with the Blessings from Monolith to increase Unique drop rates. Even at a low chance of 5% for the rune to drop from shattering a common unique, you could stock up on them fairly easy. Hell, I have 17 tabs of uniques I’m not using and am too lazy to vendor as the 500 gold is not worth it. Not all of them are common drops so I likely could get plenty runes from shattering all of them. If I could infinitely use this rune to keep fixing an item, whats the point of looking for better drops?

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That assumes you keep the price the same, if the price doubled each use you’d need 128 for the 8th repair, 256 for the 9th, 512 for the 10th, etc. And if you’re repairing an item with high instability for either an additional tier or re-rolling each tier, it’s going to be pretty easy to fracture it.

That’s true, but I refer you to what I’ve said above.

Maybe I didn’t convey it well enough before…or at all really but the main thought process behind this is due to those low % fractures we all experience. I hate finding a blue with say a T5 and T4 on it, both affixes I need, then I go to start crafting it. I get excited about the possibilities and then after I get it to say a T-12, and the next craft has a 3% fracture on it…and it happens, it rips my heart out. Those are the ones I get the most of and it’s sickening. If I know I have a single do-over to at least maybe bump it to a T15 or 16, I can stop worrying as much about the low level fractures, while maintaining the hunger to hunt for bigger & better items.

If I fracture an item that had really high instability and a chance of a fracture, I don’t expect to be able to keep re-doing it. This is mainly for those fractures that just realistically should not happen as often as they seem to despite how low of a chance they have of happening at all.

Ah, that’s fair enough as a method to fix the annoying 96% success chance failures. Though people would definitely skip that & use it to repair their 1% success chance failures on an item with multiple t6/7 affixes…

And there is nothing wrong with that. My main reason behind the low level fractures is that when they happen, it’s not nearly as expected and I think a chance at a do-over would be nice. If I try to craft something that I have like a 20% chance of success on, I’m not bothered if it fails because the odds were against me. To each their own of course. If someone chose to use it on an item they likely won’t be able to really craft further on, that’s their decision. I just hate getting an item that gets me excited about the possibilities then the RNG game that is crafting kicks me in the nuts right away.

I agree & @EHG_Mike said he was going to check into that…

We have some updates planned for the crafting system pre-1.0


Awesome, though that begs the question of whether the patch after 0.7.9 will be 0.7.10 or 0.8.0.

I just want my duplicate uniques to have value outside of selling them. Shattering them to enhance something else or store up mats for cosmetics would be neat.
For crafting, I’d love the idea of being able to rename a non-unique item. I’m spending time to tailor these pieces to be uniquely useful to particular builds, so in a lot of ways they’re more personal to me than random unique drops. Being able to add a name and some flavor text to a piece lovingly forged for a particular character is a great capstone to its crafting journey.

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