Some of the bugs i have found + some personal issues

  1. From time to time, some enemies that die get the hp bar above their corpses, or get some of the cc that apply on them while being dead.
  2. After i played for like 6 hours, after i switched the map i got some visual splats all over the map.
  3. In any ruin type map, when i tried to walk through the door-arch, my character suddenly slowed down or the game got really laggy.
  4. The hitbox of the door that leads to “Ruined College” from “The Ruins Of Welryn” is on either side of the door, don’t know the distance to explain but the door can’t be touched by it’s normal hitbox.
  5. When going from “Lake Liath” to “Liath Grove” there are some lights that flicker on the entire map .

My personal issue is that, when i reach the bottom edge of the map, and there are some obstructions i can’t see my character and the enemies, and even tho i can move, if i use a spell while being blinded by the obstruction, the spell activates above the obstruction while missing some hits on enemies. That being said if it’s possible to make them transparent while being below them, that would be lovely.

I have attached a zip file with some screens of what i saw.
Edit. the zip file is 2 big so i will try to lower the size.

Last (3.8 MB)

  1. After i got a small lag spike, i got dc-ed entirely from in-game chat.

So as far as it takes #5 the flickers actually happen on water, when fighting enemies, probably from spell effects, and it happens on all the maps. When i’m not fighting enemies the flickers doesn’t happen.

  1. The character does a movement action while standing on stairs.

Hi there,

Thanks for writing! The topics you mentioned would be more suited to the Bug Reports forum. In the future if you find problems, a separate thread (or a reply in a thread someone else made) for each problem would be great, along with a screenshot (which you included) and your log file.

I realized only after posting last reply that i was in the wrong section :blush:. But i will try to do them right next time :innocent:.

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