Sentinel's Lunge not castable during Lagon encounter

During the fight with Lagon, I noticed that you’re unable to use Lunge to charge at him. This is unfortunate since it provides much needed elemental protection/critical strike chance depending on how it’s specialized into. Given the context, it doesn’t really make sense that you can’t lunge, seeing that you can use Warpath and other melee skills to attack.

Sorry about that! This is a known bug, but unfortunately there are some technical difficulties with getting Lunge to work properly in these situations (a similar problem happens against the boss in The Precipice). We hope to find a solution in the future.


No need to apologise! Just pointing things out here and there. You guys are doing a great job! :dizzy:

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You guys are great! Thanks for this. I just got my Sentinel to old Lagon and this was most definitely an issue. Another thing I noticed as melee, there seems to be some sort of lip or weird spot just in front of Lagon that won’t allow you to actually back out of and walking away. Numerous times in the battle I would be trying to move away from him to avoid that water jet blast and my character would just stand there swinging away at nothing. Jet comes in. Dead. It’s also possible I may have been doing something wrong with movement and such but it most definitely feels awkward. I have had no problems attacking with a caster.

Not to bring this back up but I’ve been playing around with a Warpath build, actually think I’m getting somewhere with it, and this pathing issue is even worse with Warpath. At least I think it’s probably from the same thing. If your mouse gets to close to Lagon it pushes you back and then locks you in place. You have to click several times to try to get your character moving again and by the time, Water Spray/Dead.

Just a reminder that lunge and Lagon is still a problem.

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