Playing Mage , but giving me an Acolyte Mastery

Hi guys,

Am playing a Mage and selected Sorcerer as the Mastered. but am lvl 24 now and its still greyed out eventhough it says Sorcerer Mastered but its only greyed out. so i went back to the 3 blokes
to check it again if something different thing happen but Lo and Behold this time its giving me an Acolyte Mastery. Necro - Lich and Warlock.

so Cant continue playing.

Let me know.


Could you upload your log files please.

output_log.txt (2.2 MB)

these are the captured images. it might help (946.5 KB)

Thanks for uploading these. To confirm, is that log file from a session where you attempted to choose a mastery? The log file reset whenever you open the game and we’d probably need one from such a session for there to be anything relevant in there.

Additionally it would be useful if you could upload your save file (it’s in a similar location to the log file) so that we can try to replicate it with that character.

Sorry about the confusion! From what you’ve said, your character has the Sorcerer class-- it won’t say “mastered” unless you are. You need to press the “unlock mastery trees” button before you can allocate points into the Mastery Trees. This button is located at the top of your Mage tree. We plan to make this process easier to understand.

The bug where you’re seeing Acolyte masteries is known. It’s just a display error, but you’re right that it should show Mage masteries. You can’t change your mastery after picking it, so you’re not missing any functionality.

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