Player character and pets sometimes get stuck on terrain

Both my pets and I have a tendency to get stuck on the environment, in my case making me crawl through molasses, and in their case making them run in place ad infinitam. They are well-exercised pets! (The area immediately surrounding Lake Liath’s waypoint is a good place to test this, as is the area behind Leon the Supply Master.)

Some full screenshots of areas this occurs in would help a lot. Uploading them to an external site like is ideal if you have multiple.


Um, I would literally go to either of the two areas I mentioned and take a screenshot if I did that. I think it’s superfluous. :wink:

Just go to the waypoint I mentioned and try to step off. Or walk up the steps behind Leon the Supply Master. It’s like walking through tar.

My wolves mainly run in place when they target an enemy that is out of bounds / unreachable. This happens rather often at Lake Liath, where enemies tend to spawn or fall down the Planks and trot around in the swamp.
Or in the ruins of welryn where sometimes enemies spawn within fully walled off Areas.

And when they run in place, my character Begins to stutter extremely as well, my guess is that the pathfinding routines get overloaded by the wolves permanently searching for a way to the enemy, so that the movement of the character isn’t fluid anymore either.

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