Patch Preview: Beta 0.7.9

it was a conversation me and sarno had in stream chat a month or so ago. that would be hard to find haha.

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loot filter will not be in this patch. Judd stated in the patch after this or the one after that. That they are working on it still though. but not finished yet :wink:

Well apparently they’ve fixed Smite, so it’s all good (unless Mike was yanking my chain).


I would never!

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S**t, he’s definitely pulling my plonker!


Edit: I’ve even upgraded my pc, just so I can try and break it harder with even more future strike procs from Smite!!

Don’t make my wife be right to be grumpy with me (for spending a load of money on a new PC, just to clarify)!!

It might not be perfect yet but it has had a ton of fixes.


:slight_smile: you’ll get there eventually.

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Making me come out of vacation early with patches like this XD keep up great work guys!

that is why you gamble lol

We missed you! :sparkling_heart:


Mass fear? The skill spirit plague works pretty well for fearing mobs.

Hey Devs thanks for being so transparent I had a few questions that may have been answered not sure tho.

  1. What phase are we at technically
  2. When can we expect multiplayer
  3. Will there be 1 or 2 more skill slots added? (seems like alot of people including myself would think this is very viable as some builds feel very… bleh due to the lack of skill slots)


  • PB
  1. We’ve still not finished all of the things in phase 2 (eternity caches, tooltip dps), but last patch they added chapter 8 (phase 3) & in this patch they’re adding something from phase 4.
  1. Multiplayer is phase 3.

  2. Probably not. Unless they change their minds.

No I completely understand where you are coming from and you are right. I don’t like the gambler style of looting wither lol

Honestly based off of recent wording I wouldn’t be surprised if the mocved away from phases all together. seems to be more and more the case and confusing too new people.

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Looking good. :smiley:

If I’m understanding things correctly, Tier 6 and 7 affixed items drops post 80 content Tier 5’s will now start dropping at content 50 and above and slowly ramp up from there.

Question: If the monolith no longer scales to player lvl, and it is accessed only after completing the main story, (and that is currently about mid 50’s) does that mean Monolith starts at lvl 50 and i"ll have to work my way to into a monolith deep enough so that the levels are equivalent to level 80 (to get tier 6 and 7 affixes? Will this be the only way I have to play lvl “80” content? Will tier 6 and 7 affixed items drop from Arena barrels? Will these tier 6 and 7’s be color coded in anyway?

““T5s can drop much earlier than before, but their chance to drop scales up more slowly with levels. T6s can drop in all level 55+ content. T7s can only drop in level 90+ content. T6 and T7 affixes increase an item’s equip level requirement by slight more than T5 affixes do, but there isn’t a big difference there.””

Yes. U believe someone said red. But dev defintely said t6 and t7 will be easily seen

I appreciate the effort Boardman, but you just cut and pasted what I’ve read.

I’m currently lvl 95. “T7s can only drop in level 90+ content” What is lvl 90 content? If monolith is no longer scaling, does that mean the moment I enter it its at lvl 55 (the current end of the campaign)? Does that mean I have to go 35 levels deep into the new monolith before I’m actually in lvl 90 content? If I die immediately at lvl 90 content", I have to start monolith over and do lvl’s 55 to 90 again?

I can’t imagine the Arena has been scaling to content as that wouldn’t be fair, so at what lvl in the arena can I assume I’m at lvl 90 content and can tier 7’s drop from barrels in the Arena?