Missing ice/snow textures in Deep Harbor

This is the first occurrence of this following the main campaign; all the ice and snow from previous zones looked correct
Player.log (100.9 KB)

I haven’t seen any other reports of this.

Could you please try Repairing Last Epoch Through Steam?

I came back to Deep Harbor after restarting the client and the puddles all look correct now, no client repair needed. So all good for now, I 'spose

“Bugs that go away on their own, come back on their own”
– Someone, probably

Some more followup, happened again in Moonlit Shrine. Leaving the area and returning corrected the textures.


I also verified the game files through steam. It just reported verification successful, but didn’t mention anything actually being repaired. There’s also nothing in the downloads page. I have no idea if that means everything was already good and there really were no changes, or if steam did a stealth repair as part of the verification and then gave the thumbs up.

This is actually a known issue. Unfortunately we don’t have any solutions yet, but we’re currently working on testing fixes.

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