Make the build profiles on Ladder searchable

We have debated adding more information to the builds on the ladder. On one hand it’s a really great way to bring the community together and encourage discussions. On the other, it tends to homogenize builds which isn’t ideal. We still haven’t decided what we’ll do yet. All I can say is that it’s not coming this next patch.


I support not revealing more character information like gear/passives automatically. My favorite aspect of this game is theory crafting interesting undiscovered interactions and using them to build a strong character. It would be a shame to try to do clever theorycrafting to scale the top of the ladder, just to have everyone copy your build. Maybe make character info /profile default to private but able to be made public if the person wants.


Definitely one of the options we are batting around as we know that in the past on other games, people have intentionally logged out with dummy gear on to try and trick others on the ladder.

It doesn’t really ‘bring communities together’ it actually creates an elitist type attitude and as you say homogenize all builds like they are a car blueprint, they are almost all the same, it actually ruins games in the long run as players don’t actually play or test they just use programs to simulate the desired result - see POB for PoE the worst made

This would be compounded far worse in a game with only 5 active skills.

Currently in PoE last I checked 45% of all players of a certain level are playing the same class/build - easily accessible by online resources.

The other annoying thing IF you are on the ladder sometimes you get strange messages from people demanding to know things about your build because they can only gather so much info from their tools

You already have this Boardman21 guy making EVERY build in the game with a video attached to it explaining every passive chosen and why. Theres no point even attempting to TEST builds with players like that around who have infinite time and make a new build every 1.5 days

I don’t know what kind of relationship EHG has with Dammitt, but if turns out to be anything like his similarly hosted then you likely won’t even need a ladder build viewing tool. GrimTools alone extended the life of that game way beyond what I may have otherwise played. I probably spent as much time designing builds in GrimTools as I did playing them in game, so I do hope Dammitt continues his efforts with this game. :crossed_fingers:

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  1. I don’t have infinite time, I’m a mere mortal who’s efficient.
  2. I definitely don’t have every build there are even skills I haven’t played.
    3)you should definitely test everything you will quickly find somethinge i havent done. But I agree with you on all other points made. in d3 it was made extremely to easy to copy paste.

You can still trick them. If you switch skills after your run it changes the skills on the website. Unless this was very recently fixed?

And keeping gear / skills / passives as a secret and ignoring questions is not an elitist behaviour?

Yeah. But than we have guys like you that bitch around on the forum about almost any topic that is not exact in your flavour. So this is equalised.

Talking about things brings people together. Ok, not the way you do. This may be the cause why you haven’t discovered this, yet.

There will always be guides and that’s a good thing. It helps new players. And all these content creators help the game and community to grow and get healthy.

When you want to sit in a dark room and are not interested in interacting with a games community it is your choice. But I really dislike your attitude you have shown so far on these forums. Some of your points are valid. The words you choose to express your opinion are not.

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Yea, you can still change your posted skills in the current system. I was more referring to the extreme measures of switching out entire gear sets and fully respecing. I’d say that the current version of the ladder is what I would call experimental. It’s fun and I’m really happy we have it but it’s nowhere near done. I’m not sure where it’s going to go at all but it still has plenty of room for iteration.

I’m sure a happy medium will be struck or perhaps something new altogether. LE is good at innovating new ways of implementing already existing things.

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I agree also that it is best NOT to show equips/builds from the ladder.
We have the forums for people that want to learn how some builds perform.

May i suggest that the ladder reset after some xx period, we can say after 1 or 2 months ?
So it will add more spice and interest in players trying to beat the records again.
Plus it will show what builds are currently performing well with the latest skill updates and not what some guy(s) used with exploits or before some nerfing months ago.

Also another suggestion, please add more information in the names in the ladder as we use the chat in game with our usernames and in ladder are the character names and that is very confusing.

The ladders reset every patch

ah, thanks for the info boardman21 :blush:

People already share their builds and answer questions to it. This is better for the community then copy & paste builds without any chance of itneraction.

Wow, some very good discussion here. I guess after I think about it more, not having a link to a players profile is probably better. I think it does prompt people to try to make their own builds. I’m just lazy and don’t have a ton of time to play. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I am really enjoying the game so far though (only about two hours of playtime so far)!

I was yes. Also POE (which is actually thinking of when I wrote this topic). Also D2 and OG Diablo. Ya I’m old

To be fair, D3 did quite a few things well (quality of animations, re-vamping the disappointing loot, etc) in addition to doing quite a few things badly (IMO, the quality of the writing/character development, their implementation of sets, balance, etc). So just saying that someone was a D3 player in a derogatory manner in order to imply that their viewpoint holds no weight is disappointing.

Just because another game did something (be it D3, PoE, GD, etc) doesn’t mean that it would be a bad thing to add in to Last Epoch.

You read into a little hard, must be from d3 is a reference that in d3 you can click on anyone and see their items and everything as is what this post was asking for. I have nothing against d3 and definitely nothing against samsquatch. I didnt mean it in a derogatory manner.

Which is a problem with the lack of social signals in text (or maybe I’m also being a very grumpy ****er in the lockdown & having to spend so much time with my kids).

Though being the argumentative ******* that I am, you can do the same thing in PoE (on though at a lower fidelity of information.

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