Locket of the Forgotten Knight crit chance

The Locket of the Forgotten Knight has an affix that adds 2-3% void crit chance. The only problem is that it’s affecting the character screen, which it shouldn’t since it’s void crit not global crit. I have no idea if it is actually adding global crit chance, or if it’s just a display error. Though interestingly, all 3 of the crit chance numbers went up from 5% to 7% with the amulet equipped despite the amulet saying 3% (probably the stat sheet rounding down but the item rounding up). No other crit chance on items or passives.


Without the amulet equipped:

With the amulet equipped:

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This had me confused for a moment too, but the change on the character sheet you’re seeing is because it’s a silver amulet, with an implicit 33% increased critical strike chance.

Ah crap, good point!

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