Lackluster Uniques

Uniques are not suppose to fall into “Best In Slot” category. I like where they are and there’s many that are not yet implemented.

However, LEGENDARIES better be build defining!.


Nah, they said they wanted to have both build-enabling and power uniques. Honestly I don’t really understand why we even need legendaries or what kind of role they will have in the game.

Both build enabling and power uniques exist already. Just not as a best in slot hand down

The problem is that there’s not many good build enabling uniques in the game. Their vision is good but the implementation is still lacking.

What about items that drop… fancy laser shoots to the sky and everything, so we don’t miss em but instead of some obscure mechanic (eg. 5% ward gained when health is between 63.5% and 64%, Ward gained is doubled if Jupiter is aligned with Saturn).

Its just a REGULAR item. Same affixes we can get on everything else, but… THE BASE range is special. And its craftable, still shatter-able, and can be damaged.

Just a thought.

Ah so its the number of them not them themselves. Well I mean we cant have them all at once. They introduce a few more each patch. Im sure as the game gets closer to release there will be bigger patches 9f then released

There are some lackluster uniques that can be build-enabling with some adjustments like Volcanus, Arek’s Bones, Culnivar’s, Ignivar’s Head etc. They are the close-but-no-cigar uniques that feel quite lackluster and not impactful.

Thats a very fine line thats being tippy toed ATM. As soon as you make them outperform crafted items… Well the gigs up

I want uniques to be about 2 to 3 times as powerful as they are now but your only allowed to wear 1


That mechanic is huge in mobile and eastern gaming, but it’s typically combined with a cash shop and “house” odds.

I believe legendaries will be tied heavily into the time travel aspect of the end-game, from the way they talked about item interaction with timelines and the upcomming additional end-game stuff in the earlier alpha stages. I’ve been attempting to decrease my following of the game until closer to release so my info is probably out-dated, or at the very least not specific at all.

Point is, while uniques may need tweaks and just more of them overall, there’s still major portions of this game that aren’t in yet.

I agree with OP. A lot of uniques really aren’t that good and only very few really are build enablienabling. 2 of the really build enabling items got nerfed with the last patch are are currently useless: Exang and Urziels Pride. The new Acolyte Exang like Armor is useless, too. I have a lot of uniques in my stash and are barely using them even during leveling a new char. Some give a small advantage while leveling but nothing you really miss.

I get it that they should not be BIS. But currently most of them are barely if any use.


Yep, toatally on that. I didn’t even understand why they added a watered down version that is straight worse and just for acolythe. I do like having some uniques available in a low-level and a high-level version, but then they could have added the same unqiue in a low level version.

I mean im all in for adding tons of more uniques, for all kind of different or crazy builds.
But then make them truly unique and don’t add simialr version for different classes which are differently powerfull.


Yup. Why have them in the game if nobody wants to use them. Too many of them are absolute trash.

Im fine with that. My point is that currently I have no desire to seek out uniques or wear them. They serve no purpose right now IMO. They are just simply not very good. We need to have more uniques that are worth wearing.

yeah they feel very gimmicky instead of powerful. Maybe it would be better if we can craft affixes on them as well.

The item hunt in general feels VERY off to me. Unique enemies dont drop anything… I thought the point of defeating those was a good reward… and I really dont like the system without armor/dmg numbers. I hate finding an item that will last me all game, makes it boring using the same stuff all the time. I want to keep upgrading.


Yeah, unique items are generally niche & useful mainly for specific builds. It would also be nice if bosses dropped better stuff &/or unique stuff.


How about to allow players to craft on existing uniques an extra chosen prefix and suffix, with much higher success chance as it is for rares, and never fail worse than minor fracture?
This way you could somewhat fit a found unique to your build, also it’d also create sense to collect more than one unique of each kind.

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I want to say they’ve already said no to that, but I could be thinking of crafting idols (which they’ve definitely said no to).

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The actual uniques being underused is propably because their “unique” stats don’t make up for the loss of affixes. I dont think the concept behind these uniques is bad. The effects just should be buffed.

Some items sound cool in theory but just don’t work practically


But not too much that they’re always the best choice for any/every slot. That way lies D3. Glad I don’t need to balance things that finely though. :slight_smile:


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