I think Life Leech does not work on minions

I play an Acolyte->Necromancer.

I am very specialised in Minions, high damages, and Life Leech (+ Blood Spater’s Hemophagy, River of Bones’s passive skill and Narrow Trap’s Squeleton skill).

And my Life Leech is close to non existent.

I looked several fights, and their health bar is NOT filling.

It’s filling faster with their natural Regeneration.

Could you please check if there is not a bug here?

I don’t see a problem with any of those nodes. Some of the nodes have special conditions (i.e. only on physical damage or critical strikes), so you might want to check those.

Minions can have over 1000 health, depending on your build, so leech can be hard to see on their health bars. For example, if your skeleton does 100% damage and has 5% leech, it will gain 5 health. All leeched health is applied over 3 seconds, so your skeleton will be gaining ~1.66 health per second from that one attack.

Thank you to have checked.

Well then it must be normal. Maybe I need to go even further down this leech path, and increase the critical hits, to see the leech on live.

I tend to think that natural regeneration is simpler, more effective and less expensive in passive skills. But maybe a player will do a Leech build and make me wrong.

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