Game won't launch on linux via steam

When I try to launch the game the window pops up, it proceeds to freeze the computer then crash.

player log info:
system info:

Any suggestions? Just bought the game and I am unable to play.

Hey, sorry nobody has had a chance to get to this yet. I was talking to you on discord briefly I think. Dupz? I had a quick once over in the logs and I don’t see anything familiar that pops out at me. Sarno and Hacka spend a lot more time looking at these logs than I do so they might recognize something I ignored.

I will also preface this with I haven’t used Linux in years so I could have something wrong here. It appears that you’re using Pop!_OS maybe? It looks to be very similar to Ubuntu so I would expect that it should be fine. Technically we only support Ubuntu at the moment, however I do know that lots of people are playing on other distros too.

It almost looks like big chunks of the main UI are just missing and it’s choking. We might be able to send you a pre-set default graphics settings file that might be able to ease the first time startup process. Something might also have gone wrong when it downloaded and it could need some game file validating.

Did you purchase the game through steam or through the website and then redeem a steam key?

When the game finally does launch it is using up all 16GB memory, had to double my swapfile just so my pc would be responsive enough to not hard reboot. Was told to wait for this next patch so it “may be fixed” in there. I am sitting here unable to play a game I bought or get help because a 3rd party is the problem why there are issues with a platform is says it supports in early access. I have installed ubuntu 18.04 and tested on my slackware setup too and I can reproduce the problems.

I get the game is in early access and that there are bound to be issues but at least provide some form of support for a product you are selling. Brushing it off as a bug in an old patch of the game when it is the CURRENT one for your system which may not even be related to the patch is just downright stupid and lazy. I guess the advice would be play on Windows or tough luck, we will get back to you at another date.

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