Game not launching on Ubuntu

Hi team,

Last epoch is not launching on neither Steam nor on the client. Just a blank black window shows up, my pc lags for 10 mins and then the window crashes.

Is this due to the new 0.7.7 patch? Should I be doing something from my end to make this work? I understand that 0.7.6 is compatible with Linux.


This is unrelated to Patch 0.7.7.

Could you please post your log file? You can attach it to a post using the button.

Sorry. Don’t know exactly how to get here: ~/.config/unity3d/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/

Can you assist?

That’s a directory within the home folder that is hidden by default.

The precise steps to show hidden directories vary from one Desktop Environment to the next. Could I ask which one you use? I should be able to give step-by-step instructions then.

All you had to do was to say it was hidden:D Found it! Thanks, Sarno. Let me know once you know what’s wrong.Player.log (11.0 KB)

Ah okay. :slight_smile:

On Linux any folder or file beginning with a period is hidden.

Thanks for the log! I’ll take a look.

Hrm, I’m not seeing any sign of a fatal error.

Would you mind if I ask for a Steam system information report? You can send that to us through our support site instead if you’d prefer to do so; just include a link here when you send it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here you go :slight_smile: Sys info.txt (14.6 KB)

Hey, Sarno. Any updates on this?

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