Flame Ward Announcement and Tree Preview

So we can duel wield wands :slight_smile: Oh how exciting :0
Actually i think i misread that. We still get 1 wand and offhand catalysts. Nvm not as OP as it first sounded.

i appreciate your response, and i do agree that this game is still in beta, what i dont agree with is when people say there is going to be a meta so just deal with it.

one reason i backed this game was because i felt like y’all “developers” were more interested in making a game that would be about creating your own character the way you want it to be developed and it would be functional. would it make it to wave 1000 most likely not. but would it be effective enough in game to be able to have fun with it? thats what i am looking for and i have noticed that y’all have been very diligent in doing so. my first post was more in line with my way of thinking. i just went off the rails when the previous post basically said “suck it up this is the way every game is” which is a total falsehood. Thank you for your response and i do look forward to each patch. i log in and play and see how it goes.
I think i am just salty over the nutering of blackhole still. i really enjoyed that build and didn’t think it was dealt with in the best way but i am not a developer so i sit back and watch the development of this game with hopes that it will bring back some of the enjoyment i had with the old games of years gone by.

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