Damage Over Time philosophy in the game

That’s not how ignite works in poe sadly, Ignite is in fact complete trash in Poe because it does not work that way. The damage of the hit has 0 effect on the damage of the ignite. Ignite damage is determined by a percentage of base damage, and scaled with different multipliers.

I like how Dot works in last epoch. Currently, Dot builds are a trade off between quick damage and consistent damage. It’s very hard to oneshot monsters or mobs, but also hard to have a super long bossfight if they are ticking down from Dot which scales exponentially. This opens the way for a satisfying mix of offense and defense if they ever get the mob oneshots, ability for player to position, and balance of defences in a better spot.
For offense - There are ways to reduce enemy resists or buff your own damage, and a few ways to allow Dot to life steal. The skills and passives require some thought to get Dot viable, and not waste points.

You can have weak archetypes for casual gamers ( I made a scorpion baby focused build) or strong builds for uberfans of the game - see any of boardmans builds.

There are also interesting strategic choices. Should I add bleed chance or attack speed to improve dps? How can I AOE clear using a single target Dot build?

But unless you were extremely high level you also made up that 0%

PoE ninja only shows high level players so theres no way to tell ‘no one is playing it’

Its just ‘no one is playing it above lvl 98’

You may wish to have a look at Heavy/T-hawk’s posts further up:

Just because something’s not popular anymore doesn’t mean it’s not effective/can’t clear the hardest content.
Unless you know this & are just being sarcastic/ironic…

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I mean, I saw their post. It’s pretty much nonsense. Yeah, you can scale ignite to do say… 500k shaper dps. Given the power creep and overall nerfs, that’s simply so ridiculously not even close to a useful amount of damage. Yes 500k dps will clear the game, but it’s not really viable because A, it’s incredibly slow, we’re talking significantly slow on its own, slow enough to feel bad, or run out of flasks, or generally make it take long enough that the boss probably will murder you. Ignite is fine for clear, but it’s really really bad at bosses. B, When you compare it to what most other skills are doing it’s really really sad. It just feels like you’re intentionally playing a bad build for whatever reason, that’s fine to do but you have to recognize you’re doing it. That said, yes you can clear awakened 8 sirus with an ignite build. It’s a truly awful experience though. It’s a trash mechanic in that game because it no longer scales with hit damage. The example was nerfing by like 2%. Ignite by switching from scaling from a hit to a flat % of base damage scaled independently went from 10m dps ignites, to 500k. That’s basically a 95% nerf. Sure 500k is technically enough, but it feels fuckawful.

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