Crafting items of same type must stack

its critical quality of life improvement to game that must be implemented.

hmm, i don’t know if it really makes sense since all items have implicits with different numbers, so stacking them would be awkward to sort out after again to find the higher roll. Or can you give an example? Maybe i misunderstood your point.

There is a button in the inventory to stash all crafting materials and affixes.

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those are same shards must take 1 slot

Stacking would be nice but it’s quite easy just to pull up your inventory and stash all of your crafting materials with a click of a button.

I guess the question might be: why don’t they go into the crafting stash automatically? I have to admit I really dislike the over-sized items that take up huge space in the stash. This system is a direct copy from D2/POE. I commented on this in the kickstarter days and practically begged the devs not to implement it.

Because clicking “stash crafting material” and seeing all mats disappear is “oddly satisfying” :rofl::sweat_smile::laughing::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s not that easy to judge when a feature is QOL or to much automisation that it might be decreasing immersion, imho. Yes, you could autostore on pickup. Then in the next step you could delete the pickup process. Or even the drop? It’s not necessary to se items drop they just could get instantly stored in your stash. With lootfilter it could be also sorted automatically. Map wide.

Some mechanics seem unnecessary and we tend to say “make it automatically…”. But there are also psychological reasons to let things like this in the game. From a logic perspective the whole genre of games that revolve around grinding makes absolutely no sense. What is it that makes us play games that let us repeatedly do things we would not do in reality. I do t know…

Maybe put crafting mats into the stash manually is stupid. But it’s only one click. And it’s annoying when you don’t have a lot of space and have to do it 3 times while looting a monolith reward chest. But I think there would be something missing for me when you take it out of the game.

Am I a bit weird? :thinking::woozy_face:

Well maybe but you have a good sense of humour about it :laughing:

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I think they don’t auto stash into your forge, when you pick them up. As they may be tradable in the Bizarre, when it comes out!

I can also see some technical challenges with this, application wise. It increases load significantly and on every pickup, you need to trigger a request to a server to store that item. Right now you do that once, by clicking the button. At some point, online, this could matter in terms of database and server load. This is just speculation, but in general you’re trying to limit the amount of traffic to keep load manageable.

Yeah, you mentioned this somewhere else, already. I have no clue, because I am not familiar with programming and databases. But it sounds logical as you describe it.

This certainly is not the reason. This would mean you would not be able to trade mats you already stored. Also I don’t think its necessary to drag and drop mats to trade them. And even if it was they could show a stash window with all your mats when you open the bazar tab.

i mentioned it in my video on stash tabs indeed :slight_smile:

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