Arcane Ascendance node Power Overload stacking infinitely with Acuity

Easy to reproduce, or rather, it literally reproduces itself if you don’t do anything.

With Acuity specced AA doesn’t drain mana, so you can sit rooted in it without casting anything… forever. With Power Overload you can just ramp up high %s of increased spell damage then nuke something. Of course, in a normal setting you’ll get your bonuses, fire off your spells, kill things and move on.

Problem is the buff shown above the player’s bar that kinda indicates that you have AA on. It has a duration, a green circle that slowly drains out over something like a half hour or so. Once that buff runs out… you’re unlocked. Free to go running… with the Arcane Ascendance buff effects and the stacking spell damage still stacking. Forever.

The zaps from Static don’t consume the arcane ascendance casts. I can run around with Static and Arcane Ascendance firing off 14k + damage lightning blasts at everything around me as I run by, and it gets stronger as time passes. Currently at 18,874% increased spell damage as the bonus does not fall off when entering another instance. The buff only drops if you use up the 4 spellcasts.

I appreciate the dedication and thorough report. Thanks!

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