An Update on Our Road to 1.0

You forgot misinformation: Kickstarter was less than 5 years ago!

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Why is pointing to the initial kickstarter campaign “misinformation”? Is everything written there not true anymore? How come?

Oh wait, I get it:

Everything that (accidentally) still is true is… true.

Everything that changed since then never was true, not even before it changed. It’s all just in our heads.

The thing is that with this argumentation it’s really obvious, that we will get completely free trade at 1.0. Because:

  • EHG said (in their kickstarter campaign) they wanted to implement restricted trade that doesn’t overshadow loot. But since nobody should care about advertisement or game descriptions or roadmaps of kickstarter or early access games, it’s ok to pretend the part with “trading” and “player economy” just isn’t there and never existed. Not overshadowing loot >> everything else - for now.

  • But also the “not overshadowing loot” part is part of the kickstarter advertisement and… is equally not true.

So my guess is that EHG will come up with a completely open AH with real money trade as well (like D3 had at start). And when you guys then point out “But you said you don’t want to have free trade and open economy…” EHG can say:

"Shut up, noobs! Don’t you know that everything we say and do is subject to change? Kickstarter? Common! Its five years old! Nobody can expect us to still follow the design concepts we created that long ago! New concept is free trade. Everybody does this now.

And also be excited about our new cash shop with our “pay to win” items and perks! Yeah, we know, we initially said there won’t be p2w. But honestly guys? You all read the terms of service when entering EA. SUBJECT TO CHANGE is the key phrase. So go and cry somewhere else."

And when you then come along with “heres a link where you literally stated that you won’t do p2w” I’ll just say “Oh, that’s misinformation. Be gone, troll!”

That would be ok I guess.

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I think what he meant was that other person said that the kickstarter was 6 years ago when it wasn’t, not that the kickstarter was misinformation (though some have said that).

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Don’t stop him. He’s on a roll.

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Fear not. I’m only posting this much recently because I have a lot of free time due to holidays. A few days in the future this isn’t the case anymore.

Then I’ll leave the forums to you guys, again so you can continue to gang bang on new members.

Well, that’s a loss for all of us. I think you have great insight into a lot of areas of the game (not all, but a lot). But if you feel it’s for the best then I wish you well and good health.

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Don’t worry, I now have a job that actually requires me to, you know, work(!) instead of shitpost share my incredible and uncanny insights here. I don’t even have time to have my 2-3 30 min naps during the day anymore.


Seems to be the same job as always :stuck_out_tongue: because I still miss the insights ^^.

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I thought I was pretty clear, but apparently not :sweat_smile:

You don’t work, dad…you just shitpost in other places

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It was clear. Just a “me”-issue :blush:

Thanks man. But I won’t quit or anything. Just my “post per day” count will be at the level it was before Christmas holidays. :slightly_smiling_face:

I still believe you’re an alien spy that just searches for mankind’s weak spots to enslave us all in the future. And I have a feeling that the initial attack is somewhat tied to the LE 1.0 release, so we propably should take any measures to delay the date :thinking:


That’s really not that difficult.

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It would seem after LlamaA-Z & 0-7, #8 will succeed where they have failed.

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