########## jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Log start [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Installation file doesn't exists - "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/install_info" [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Installation not found. [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Getting the content summary for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" version 17 [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/17/content_summary" [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:43 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/17/content_summary" with timeout 10000 [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:44 2020 - Getting the content urls for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" version 17 [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:44 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/17/content_urls" [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:44 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/17/content_urls" with timeout 10000 [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:44 2020 - Downloading chunked file from QUrl("http://cdn.patchkit.net/v1/resources/f444ecb4-f320-4bd0-b671-153ccd8c2795") [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:44 2020 - Downloading from QUrl("http://cdn.patchkit.net/v1/resources/f444ecb4-f320-4bd0-b671-153ccd8c2795") with range 0 - -1 [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:52 2020 - Succesfully downloaded 101 out of 101 chunks [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:52 2020 - Uninstalling patcher. [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:52 2020 - Missing installation info! [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] jeu. mars 5 18:05:53 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## ven. mars 6 12:15:01 2020 - Log start [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:01 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:01 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:01 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:01 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:01 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] ven. mars 6 12:15:02 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## ven. mars 6 16:42:31 2020 - Log start [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:31 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:31 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:31 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:31 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:31 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] ven. mars 6 16:42:32 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Log start [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] sam. mars 7 17:59:18 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Log start [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:07 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] lun. mars 9 02:27:08 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Log start [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] sam. mars 28 17:30:41 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Log start [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Preparing execute target: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:00:30 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## dim. mars 29 16:24:20 2020 - Log start [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:20 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:20 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:20 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:20 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:20 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Preparing execute target: "D:/Games/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] dim. mars 29 16:24:21 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Log start [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] dim. mars 29 19:16:39 2020 - Preparing execute target: "D:/Games/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:40 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:40 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:40 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] dim. mars 29 19:16:40 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## dim. mars 29 20:51:38 2020 - Log start [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:38 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:38 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:38 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:38 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:38 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Preparing execute target: "D:/Games/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] dim. mars 29 20:51:39 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed. ########## dim. mars 29 21:03:03 2020 - Log start [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:03 2020 - Successful lock on ".lock" [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:03 2020 - Updating the patcher [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:03 2020 - Getting the latest app version for app "7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56" [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:03 2020 - Executing GET "1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:03 2020 - Downloading from "https://api2.patchkit.net/1/apps/7bc4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e56/versions/latest/id" with timeout 10000 [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Checking whether patcher is installed. [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Installation found. Checking version compatibility. [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Reading version info of installed patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Parsing version info to number - "17" [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Local patcher id - "c4f49fcabe004069788293d85d5e" [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Local version - 17 [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Latest version is already installed [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Starting patcher. [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Reading patcher manifest. [DEBUG] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Preparing execute target: "D:/Games/Last Epoch/patcher/LastEpochLauncher.exe" with arguments: ("--installdir", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/app", "--lockfile", "D:/Games/Last Epoch/.lock", "--secret", "l/87/5X/Of+P/53/O/85/5H/O/+N/zP/Nf87/5H/M/85/zf/n/+V/5X/mf+f/zv/Of+X/zX/Pf+X/53/Of81/w==", "--online") [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Unlocking the lock file. [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Launcher has finished successfully [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Close window request. [INFO] dim. mars 29 21:03:04 2020 - Allowing the window to be closed.