Tittle test topic

ignore it, im just checking if i have title from backing LE at kickstarter

It doesn’t appear that you do, if you email [email protected] with your Kickstarter and Last Epoch account names they can look into it. Thanks!

Huh, I might as well test my purchase title too. Not that it’s really an important thing.

I’ve looked into this, and it appears that you made a purchase through our website on a different Last Epoch account. If you contact us using the e-mail address provided previously by a colleague, we should be able to help you sort this out.

It’s possible you may wish to contact us for a different reason. :slight_smile:

Woah! You could have a $100 pack with those 3 packs.

I could but I won’t. My irresponsible laziness is only rivaled by the fact that I never spend much anyway so this is fiiiiiiiiiine.

Testing something as well

A few Moments leytear :wink:

Great, I was just thinking of creating a test topic too, cause I also want to check if my account has the title from the KS campaign :smiley:

Looks like I got the title :feelsGoodMan: :slight_smile:

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