Shield Throw node idea!

Please add a node which makes the shield to bounce from you as well.

Top left in the tree makes them bounce to allies?

Doesn’t bounce of yourself though, you are not an ally of yourself.

That is correct but there are only two minions (if we don’t count the forge weapons) for sentinel which are ring of shield and the manifest armor. However, when you have right of shield and use shield throw the shield bounce most of the time between your shields instead of enemies, as for manifest armor I don’t like running with minions.

Having a node that makes the shield to bounce of you would be awesome!

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Is that consistent? I always thought allies included yourself but I might be wrong.

No, “allies” never includes the player, most of the time the text is “you and your allies” if the buff includes yourself.

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If the shield bounce from you it would be awesome!!

could make it a channel as well, have it bounce after a couple enemies back to you and you automatically throw it again. so it will keep going till you run out of mana. c:

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+1 for ricochet off oneself especially with shield bash 5 extra ricochets coming! Be a waste of them if we fighting single target

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That is a fair point regarding the shield bash node.

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I wish shield throw just had a convergence node like lightning blast

Yeah, though it does have a void conversion idol. IMO there should be a few more options for damage conversion.

No no convergence (hits the same enemy after a delay)

Ahh, I misread. Yeah, that would be interesting.

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