Shield Rushing through the Environment

Hello all! Just figured I would make a post about these 2 bugs since I don’t see one here. I currently have played 60 hours and I’m using the Void Knight and I love this class! I wanted to do something different then the pretty common Warpath builds so I tried out shield rush and I was very surprised that it does a Insane amount of damage (rough estimate, 3-4x more damage than warpath, trust me its way better lol ) when you spec for Dark Rush, The Rush of Sacrifice, and Stretched Time. I’ve put probably 20+ hours on this build and I have found that there is 2 main bugs. The first of which is a real big problem because I cant seem to get past 10 monoliths because I bug through a wall at some point. So basically I just Spam Shield Rush Over and Over killing everything but it seems if I’m to close to a wall on certain maps I will go through it and get stuck and have to open the map and teleport back to the end of time thus resetting my monolith progress. in my 20+ hours using this build this has happened 8-10 times. the second bug is definitely slightly annoying. when you use shield rush simultaneously/immediately right after you use lunge. it will lock you into the shield rush animation until you hit a wall that will stop you. this has happened way more times probably around 30-40 I hope these problems get fixed, if you need more info to help fix these problems let me know. Keep up the great Work Eleventh hour!!!

I’m surprised it’s only happened 8-10 times for you, maybe I’m a bit more reckless with Shield Rushing near walls, but I’ve had it happen much more frequently. Sometimes I can Shield Rush myself back out, but overall I decided it was too frustrating to deal with so I had to stop playing my Void Knight. Bumping this thread to hopefully increase visibility.

great skill but ive had this issue too. mostly happens at the coast map

Thanks for the detailed report! I’ve actually turned this into a generic log about traversal skills and breaking the map, as it’s something that can be reproduced with other traversal skills.

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