Respec Masteries

Hey Guys,

i just wanted to hear your opinions about respeccing the Masteries.

I was told by Sarno that this is currently the normal state of the art that you cannot respec masteriees but here are my thoughts on it.


  • seriously? i cant see any.


  • it forces you to get severals characters of the same class to test all builds
  • the point mentioned above makes leveling to level 20 boring, bc you have to play the first act of the campaign over and over again (would be different if the endgame would be available for all characters once you finished the first act to get to the “end of time”)
  • it makes it frustrating for casuals like me (i play roughly 1 hour in the evening)

So i really want to see the thought process behind the current state of the masteries.


The Statement “i don’t know why” is no pro :stuck_out_tongue:

choices, decisions, thats a PRO for ME and several other also stated similar opinions

That’s the only arguement i understand and kinda agree. I could imagine when they are releasing seasonal realms maybe mastery respec in the default league, but especially in the “current” Content when you basically can do (almsot) everything with one char(at least the base class) the whole decisions process is kinda pointless.

Yeah but seriously? It just has no pros. It forces people to play endless to test all the game has to offer. While a respec wouldnt hurt anyone. It doesnt “hurt” the people who have endless time to grind. Its a win win for everyone.

And shouldnt a pc game be exactly like this, have fun and differ from real life where your choice are not retournable. (this point is abit over the top tho i know :smiley:

Well for me it is fun to have to think twice which way i spec, especially with endgame builds in mind.

And no it’s no win win situation, because for people that like the way it is currently, changing it would make the whoel mastery chocie decision proccess less exciting

I think respecting should be doable with no less, because it’s we are in the early access and we are in theory here to playtest things.

I think masteries can be made changeable but there should be a high cost to it.

Btw, the “pro” of fixing mastery is build identity. I understand you’re giving feedback as a casual that don’t have a lot of time to play the game. But pls don’t make this into another D3 that’s shallow and has only 5hrs of gameplay.


^- Now that day has come, where proper replaybility is considered “T_T meh, the game forces me to replay the game if i want to play another class / Mastery”

I mean don’t misunderstand me, Check the other Topic where People arguing about Respeccing, and how far and easy it should go, and i’m by no means one of this: “Well i did a mistake in my build so f*** me, i need to do another 100 Hours new Character with the same playstyle, but i can’t fix it because respeccing is either not existing or too grindy” and especially since Grim Dawn i also “enjoy” experementing with stuff… but atleast allow the Game atleast ONE freaking Meaningfull Choice while playing with your Character, which you can’t fix magically. If we go down this road, we can f*** the whole Class system, because the next one begs why he can’t simply change from Sentinel to Mage and than Primalist.

Oh f***** come on… i don’t have anything against Casuals per se, infact some of my closest friends and family-members are Casuals themself. It’s pretty natural for alot of people if they get older, get childs and other IRL Stuff that they don’t much time anymore. But People like you really bothers me, because you give them the little finger and they want to take the whole hand. Modern Gaming is overly (over)casualized, and it’s similiar for Last Epoch. Compare how much freedom in terms of respeccing you have to 20 years ago, where you could respec basically nothing. You can easily undo your Skilltrees, respecc Passives etc, so it’s pretty casual to begin with. Let alteast the Class->Mastery Choice matter so the Core-Crowd don’t get f***. You whine about basically 3 characters per class, and if that’s frustrates you, than i’m sorry, i don’t have any kind of empathy for you.

Okay that’s something to work with, but that doesn’t justify to kill the last meaning full decision about your build-choice. Than you could suggest maybe implement some sort of feature, where you can skip “the first act”, (which imho feels like a big tutorial as well) so you can enjoy the mentioned stuff. Maybe mix it as ingame reward or let such skip tokens buy with ingame currency whatever.

I guess this would be still sorta a controversal suggestion, and it’s also question if this would fit to EHG’s vision and would even consider to adding something like that. But it’s still better to scrap a permanent Mastery-Choice.


Yeah can’t agree ,more, while you said some things the Pretty harsh way, the core of it remains true for alot of the LE i guess.

Having “casuals” enjoy the game is cool, but as soon as some design decisions (in this case mastery respec) favor towards super casual gamers, for me it becomes very unattractive.

Most probably People are bored of making this example, but watch D3

This game did so much “good” stuff, while some off the reasons i just couldn’t stand this were alot of the Things that made this game very “casual”, best example the skill/rune System
(I have to say to this while even praising D3 here i am NOT a big fan of the whoel Diablo Franchise)

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I think a lot of this could be fixed if there were build calculators. Would be somewhat neat if there were a test chamber in the game. Basically, it would be a room you go into where you can place points into skills and passives for free up to whatever level you want, and then hit on some training dummies. As soon as you leave the room, you go back to what you were before. Could be added to the game thematically too. Just go into the far future where you have had the experience. That may even be a good way to have an in game build calculator.

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