Paladin Retaliation build 0.7.8f

The wording of Shield Throw’s Aegis node specifically allows ricochets to allies other than yourself, which to me strongly suggests that you are generally considered an ally.

If you are an ally, why does Holy Aura state “you and nearby allies”. Ring of shields only states “allies” on it’s Healing Shields node, but the shields are minions & they are the ones doing the casting/healing, so that makes sense. Sigils of Hope also states “you and allies”, Judgement only states “allies” but will heal the player.

The usage of the term “ally” is not consistent. Maybe they changed how the skills worked at some point in the paste & forgot to update the wording.

I am all your allies when nearby you if you healed an ally last 4 seconds by an ally of yours near me.

Glad to see your time away from Last Epoch has had no lasting effects.

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I speak in last epoch terms at work all the time and people just look at me funny now.

Coworker -“have you had a break recently”
Me - “no ive been working the entire last 4 seconds”

Coworker -“how do you make the nights go faster?”
Me -“anomaly”

Coworker -“how do we get the new guys to work faster?”
Me -“Hit them with smite”


At player level 70 with 77 block and without the rare “dmg taken as” shards, this build is moderately tanky but relatively slow. I think this build requires all of the vengeance idols (I only have 2) and definitely needs the rare affixes.

I am going to craft some new gear since we sit at 0 dodge, all of my existing feat maximizes health, glancing blow and dodge. I spent 150k trying to get the amulet with no luck and have never seen those rare shards. Do the shards require a minimum level to start dropping?

According to, the prefixes (cold/lightning/fire) can drop from lvl 1 & are common, but the suffixes (necrotic/poison/void) are very rare & drop from lvl 49.

Oh man… So is the affix name for Necrotic Damage Taken as Physical “of purity”? It says the same thing for both regular Necrotic Protection and the rare version. The name of the Helm when applied is: “of Cleansing Purity” but the Cleansing is due to the Poison Damage Taken as Physical. Now I am wondering if I have missed any items I could have shattered.

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