Oracle's aid alric portal broke

I tried to enter an Alric’s portal during the oracles aid quest and the portal disappears before i can enter. I think its the southern most portal. I’ve tried reload the area and the portal reappears but when I get close to it the portal and Alric disappear again before i can do anything. Restarting the game doesn’t fix the issue and I can’t complete the quest.

None of the portals Alric creates are necessary for completing the quest. In fact, I believe you can’t enter any of the portals he makes in Maj’elka, only one in the Sapphire Quarter works.

If you’re still having trouble could you post a screenshot of your quest journal (opened using J)? I realize it’s been a while since you posted this, my apologies.

The print screen button on my keyboard doesn’t seem to work and I don’t see a screenshot hot key in game. Can’t give you a screenshot. What it would show is the Emerald Sigil is checked off and shown twice on the quest log. I stopped at this point and didn’t bother with the others. I guess I got confused and thought I had to go into the portal and physically help Alric destroy the sigils.

If you’re on Steam, F12 will save a screenshot. Or if you press the Windows key, shift key and S at the same time it’ll bring up Snipping Tool/Snip & Sketch which will allow you to take a screenshot.

If you load that character again, the Quest Journal (J) and World Map (M) should show what you need to do to complete the quest-- if you’re unable to complete the quest just provide a screenshot and your log file and we’ll look into it.

Thanks! (284.5 KB)

This is a screenshot of my quest journal. I’ll attempt the quest again tomorrow. Thanks for the Snipping Tool shortcut for in game. It’s quite helpful!

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