Option to reroll a duplicated set or unique item

Oranges and greens are such an exciting drop to see… and then such a disappointment when you realize that somehow the RNG decided you needed a fourth copy of the same item instead of something new.

Can we get a forge rune that will reroll a unique into a different unique of the same level or lower, and one that will reroll a set item into a different item of the same set? These could be rare drops in say Monolith 10+ or deep into the arena. I would really like to be able to do something with the Ring Of The Thirty-Seventh Eye besides vendor it for cash.


With the small pool of uniques and sets right now this probably isn’t something that is needed. However, it’s possible that as the game gets bigger (more sets, more uniques and adding legendaries to the mix) that something like this could be warranted much like D3 or Grim Dawn’s set conversion utility.


Sacred 1 & 2 had a nice way of rerolling runes (totally different I know), you could exchange 2 runes for a totally random rune (for any character), 3 runes for a random rune for your class or 4 for a rune of your choice. Maybe you could exchange x uniques for a random unique, y for a unique of a specific slot or z for a specific unique. You could also make the requirements harder by requiring the uniques sacrificed either be all of the same slot, or all of the same uniques.


That’s actually intriguing. Various ways to do it, this would work too. I always like the idea of giving games that are so heavily based in RNG a bit of ‘stacking the deck’ based on parameters that require work (never real money.) Speaking of drops, 260 hours in game and I FINALLY dropped an Undisputed. YEA!!! :smiley:

I’d be happy if RNG rolls my way for a change instead of giving me 4-5 duplicate uniques & set pieces not for my class but my unborn new toons are super excited :slight_smile:

I think this post is an opportunity to discuss my idea of allowing us to shatter for chance of the unique affix’s and suffix’s at low rates to add that extra excitement and allow that unique property to be used in higher gear choices that can be bricked in the process ! Please consider this

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