My list

  1. Please do sth about vertical sync line - regardless if vsync is on or off or if vertical-align is on or off, there is still a line like in old videotapes on CRT TV / monitors.

  2. The TAB map, can you make the zoom out option even bigger? (so that regardless of the zone size all TAB map could fit within its respective game resolution set?

  3. I wish to see at least 3x more side quests.

  4. Forge - while applying any affix, after applying the view resets to default - please change it so if I sort runes, it won’t change, if I shatter stuff, it won’t change the view current setup, etc. It Would be good if when I have maximized my suffix or affix (currently max 2 of each) the rest just gets 100% hidden (currently only greyed out.

  5. Prefix and affix - currently in one list, make it a split window view - 1 side pre, 2nd site suf.

  6. collecting affixes should be like gold - auto pick up

  7. range for affixes and gold collections should be at least twice the current area. (walking around just to collect few coins is not too much productive) 8. Crafting at Forge location (where the forge icon is) should give points of stability equal to character level.

  8. Crafting at Forge location (where the forge icon is) should reduce the instability points to a minimum value (like a scroll but with fixed instability points of the minimum scroll value)

  9. A specific end game quest line to upgrade the forge for even more stability points and instability points received a reduction.

  10. END GAME areas - the number of creatures left to kill

  11. END GAME areas - Percent of map discovered

  12. In the upcoming loot filter - would be good if it would also auto - pick up items.

  13. Picking up runes should be automatically be stored in the affix inventory tab.

  14. chest armor - after level 78 I do feel like the non craftable bonuses are so low their influence is close to absolute 0. In my opinion, this should be addressed.

  1. Currenty there are:
    a) Radiant Crest
    b) Sunrise Emblem
    c) Solarum Ensign

sadly there is no “FrostQueen Emblem” which would add Cold Damage and freeze chance to spells.
Would be good if such item existed.,

my list 1 less boring. farming MoF for 6 weeks now. not 1 useable drop . zzzzzzzzzzz

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Picking up runes should be automatically be stored in the affix inventory tab.

They are items in your inventory first because when multiplayer becomes available, you will be able to sell rare affixes to other players. If you want them for yourself to craft, you store them and then they are permanently locked to you in your crafting menu.

collecting affixes should be like gold - auto pick up

I also wouldn’t mind an option for auto pickup for crafting affixes but I personally wouldn’t want them to be auto pick up. There is a lot of affixes I have a thousand that I ignore on the ground and wouldn’t want to cluster my inventory when questing or doing monolith.

  1. scaled Item minimum value with player level:
    the staff has basic adaptive values at range 20 - 100.
    this means when a player is between 1 - 20 level he gets 100 % randomized value of that statistic. This changes @ player l;level 21 - since now the minimal values are 21 - 100, @ level 30 its 30 - 100.
    The same should go for any other range like 1 - 50. This statistic would be range 50 - 50 only at level 100, At player level 50 it would be 25 - 50.
    and so on - this would help to get more frequently values that a player needs, and it wont be much of a change for worse since the crafting system istn too forgiving nad mostly hateful towards players.

I quite like this idea. Or possibly have it as quest rewards, like the idol slots, maybe scaling up to a 50% reduction on the instability added on crafts with all of the quests done.

Blockquote Picking up runes should be automatically be stored in the affix inventory tab.

They are items in your inventory first because when multiplayer becomes available, you will be able to sell rare affixes to other players. If you want them for yourself to craft, you store them and then they are permanently locked to you in your crafting menu.

I can understand that logic so lets cha nge the idea into an option within the loot filter to chose if the runes go str8 into crafting tab or stay in the inventory, or let there be raritu rune rules option and specify which rarity goes where.

Well, currently the shards are not permanently stored in the Forge inventory when you click “Store Crafting Items”. There is actually a round-about way to get them out of the Forge and into your inventory;

  1. Select an item that has affixes available for the shard you wish to remove and place it in the Forge.
  2. Now select the shard you want to remove, from the Forge inventory list.
  3. This shard gets placed in the “modifier” section just below the Forge inventory list.
  4. Now you can select this shard and move it into your inventory. And repeat.

It’s certainly not fast or convenient, but it does allow you to remove shards from the Forge if you wish.

I’d asume even with multiplayer and bazar there’s no need to have the shards in your inventory. I’d guess that you can put shards directly from your forge storage into the bazar. Otherwise it would be very impractical.

I’m not a fan of automating everything. Clicking on one affix shard to collect several around is ok for me. Perhaps increase the collection radius a bit.

I don’t know why shards are stored in your inventory first. @Thyworm has mentioned it could possibly be to reduce database traffic when collecting the shards.

Maybe it’s a good idea to have a separated inventory space for shards and glyphs only. This way the shards wouldn’t block inventory space too much.

It could be to give the player the sense of “Ooo, I collected a thing”, the “store crafting mats” button glows when you have shards/etc in your inventory & who doesn’t want to press the glowy button?

There is one already, it’s the crafting inventory. IMO, having a separate space for just shards/glyphs/runes would be a waste of space most of the time since they’re only in your inventory for a short amount of time.

Does it work this way for you? Do you have or need this feeling? Most people that I met so far don’t have the need to really see the shards in the inventory.

If there is any need to store all the shards in the inventory it might be a good idea to have a separate inventory section. This way the shards blocking space for items wouldn’t be a thing.

It’s 3 clicks everytime

  • open inventory
  • store shards
  • close inventory

And if your inventory already is full of items and you just have 6 slots left, you have to do this very often until you get the next opportunity to sell your items or store them in your stash.

+1 on tab map being zoomed in too much

Agree on the map, it needs at least 5 times extra zoom out.

All the stuff regarding auto-pickup crafting and auto-storing it in craft inventory makes sense - it may as well be treated like gold with how people just automatically pick it up.

This is indeed an issue, item level should play even more of a role in the affix tiers it rolls and they should have a minimum total tier based on level/rarity when appearing.

Maybe if it comes with a cost. I would certainly pay a lot of gold to make forges work better for me.

I don’t think it should be linked to a quest. Endgame content for specific crafting runes maybe.

I agree, if one guy could make it work in Chronicon, there is no reason a proper team cannot do it here.

It’s a design decision, not a technical challenge (since they already have it with runes/gold/glyphs).

There can be an option for auto-loot crafting stuff, but that should be optional and teached to the player that this option exists.

It can be incredible confusion for newer players to “auto-loot” stuff when it doesn’t appear in your inventory(speaking of crafting shards)

With some proper introduction to this kind of system and and option it will not be a issue though.

Auto-loot Items/Gear on the other hand should never be a thing. That devalues like half of the gameplay loop of an aRPG… not sure why people want that.

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So that they can focus on the zoom zoom (and the killing mobs in general) rather than picking up the loot.

Yea, but when looking at what an aRPG has been in essence, that seems to defeat the purpose of playing the game.

After the story and content is beat, which for most aRPGs is relatively easy to do, the game is just about doing the same content over and over with the goal of gaining loot. The REAL goal of aRPGs is incremental improvement of gear. Taking out the search for that gear and automating it turns the game into a task akin to a job. At that point the game stops being fun and lots of people quit the game.

There are some things that seem good for convenience sake, but end up working against the point of playing a game.

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thats why auto-pick up should be a thing,.
to me - Always be forced to look at 99.99999999999999999999% of the gear IDONT WANT / NEED for my character is just wasting a time. in early games like D1, D2 there want that many drops and items were created in such way that sooner or later (reasonable time-search) was able to find better item.
in most games currently as above 99.99999999999999999999% of items is absolute garbage.

Thats why I proposed here or in discord, scaling the minimum permanent values on the item in accordance to character level.
For simplicity’s sake lets say an chest piece can have some permanent value between 20 and 100. Now:
Up to level 20 included the value is randomized between 20 and 100.
from level 21+ the minium value is always character value - so the range would be 21 - 100.
at level 50 we would have that value ranging from 50 to 100
at level 99 it would be 99 - 100

so with item perm,. stat value range 0 - 200 the minimum value would raise up 2 point per char level: level 10: 20 - 200.

and with stat value 0 - 50 it would scale 0.5 point per level rounded down - which means 1 point of minimum value risen is 2 character levels.
Char level 50 would get 25 - 50.
Be Aware: Values presented are in easy-to-understand way. I know values of statistics and characteristics differ in game in ranges - so treat this as simplified example of an idea.

Loot filter should already reduce or eliminate “useless” items for you. Automating picking up the items (Other than gold/crafting mats) destroys any sense of reward for playing. It just seems like it would end up harming the longevity of the game due to unseen psychological responses. It seems convenient on the surface, but would be detrimental.

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then don’t make it permanent - make it choosable - this way everybody wins and devs would see if the idea was any good or not and if it destroyed the game or not.
Let’s be honest - any change to the game can be devastating to the game - it’s all about “if a player likes/dislikes the change”