
This might be a good time to start some basic mechanics discussions so we can better determine what needs adjustment. Is there any current posts or wiki or information somewhere as a starting point? I know I have a few questions, as we all will if not right away.

My tip that’s helped quite a bit so far: the ALT key. Hover an item, hold ALT - gives more detailed info.

There is only one wiki that I can find, this fandom site fandom wiki. I wouldn’t rely on it though, it seems pretty out of date just looking at it quickly. For example, it says glancing blows mitigate 50% damage, but they really mitigate 35%.

The best place for info, that I’ve found, is this forum. I’ve started a bunch of threads asking mechanics questions. You can find them by clicking my name, clicking activity, and clicking topics.

There are also these 2 great 3rd party sites. LE tools, LE Info

They don’t explain mechanics (except what’s already explained in the game), more just databases for items and other info, and other tools like build planner, charts for block chance and armour curves, etc.

When someone replies to a 3 year old post…

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