Mage Teleport Elemental Nova Bug

I am using teleport with Elemental Dawn, Elemental Dusk and Elemental Midnight which makes it so Elemental Nova is cast 3 times during teleport.

Everything was working fine until i took the node Infernal Nova which increases the size, increases the area but adds a 4 sec cooldown.

Once I took this node, I am now only getting the nova at my current location of the teleport. I am not getting the nova at the new location or in the middle of the teleport. I am almost certain that this is due to the cooldown.

Is this intended to work like this? Should it still cast the other two novas? I still have nova on my bar as well and using teleport does not trigger the cooldown of nova so something is wrong regardless. Either they need to be linked and share a cooldown or teleport should still cast all 3 novas.

In my mind, teleport should still cast 3 times and the cooldown should only apply to the actual uses of elemental nova.

Please let me know if this is a bug or if this is intended. If this is intended, it may be good to note it somewhere on the skill; maybe in the [alt] info.

I just looked. All three nodes say “This node does not work if Elemental Nova has a cooldown.”

Problem solved. I guess I just need to learn how to read.

As a side note though, Elemental Dusk in the Teleport Passive tree should not have the note saying it does not work if there is a cooldown. It still works and the cooldown is not shared with the elemental nova skill.

Something in there is still a bug.

At best it’s an incorrect tooltip.

Yes I think that may be the case. Either way good to report it and let them get it squared away however it should be.

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