Loot filter auto-disabled?

When I press the hotkey ‘X’ to enable lootfilter, it instantly disables it again (it shows two seperate lines in chat with ‘enabled’ and ‘disabled’.

Does anyone know a fix for this ?

Thanks in advance

The X hotkey is set to disable the loot filter as long as it’s held down. This means that all items are shown while x is hold, rather than only items that match the loot filter.

Are you seeing different behavior than that? I would double check your loot filter settings.

I’m having the same issue. Last time I played was shortly after loot filters were introduced and back then it worked fine. Now the loot filter is disabled by default and holding X actually enables the loot filter and then disables it again when released, making loot filters unfunctional for me unless I play with X pressed all the time.

I’ve been trying to find where the settings are stored because I assume there’s probably some glitched setting but I couldn’t find any information on that.

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