Last Minute Technical Issues discussion

Hi everyone,

I’m keeping this thread locked so that it only contains updates from EHG to keep that information accessible. Not trying to censor criticism, so will link here from that thread.


Nah we know how well you guys communicate with us, we appreciate the transparency. Want me to kick the server in the face or something?


It has been 22 hours of wait … I guess ill play tomorrow if the servers dont burn up !

Wot? The beta was supposed to go live 3.5 hours ago. Whats the future like 0.o

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Patience! Shit happens sometimes. Some people think first day snafus are good luck.


No kidding. This is a learning lesson for the devs, life happens. Adapt, learn. No harm no foul. This game is the devs heart and soul at the moment, give them some credit.


I work in software, and there are always unforeseeable problems when migrating to production especially when something is alpha/beta. It is laughable that the populace expect perfection. As long as EHG is transparent and communicates with the community, you are doing a phenomenal job.


Needed to add a /mic drop after that. Couldnt have said it better.

At least I can start at the same time with other players even when im stuck at work xD
Take my energy boys ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Same for me @Bananasnake :smiley: I thought I was gonna be behind a lot lol. So I’m just happy!

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For some reason my brain put Bex in after energy

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Still not working. Will i get discount or just my money back ? what is going on?

stuck on “please wait” in client


Perma stuck on 2.8% with no content yet downloaded, is this a server issue by any chance?

Stuck on downloading package with 0.0% overall been so for the last 15m I am sure nothing is blocking the client.

Ye you should wait a bit. I’m currently on 15%

Is it operational now? Should I uninstall previous beta launcher?

Are we there yet :wink: Lots of :heart: and enery to Sarno and the Dev. team :milk_glass:

Yeah, seems to be working now, currently downloading!

Good to hear that